If there's anything that can treat this disease/virus/nothing burger, then the EUA is dead. My question is this, what's the mechanism for reporting that? Is there a form you can serve to the FDA to say, "We have data that Probenecid stops SARS-COV2 dead in its tracks and therefore your EUA is now NULL AND VOID, CEASE AND DECIST."
How does one do that? And then do the same with ivermectin.
Like what's the mechanism? There must be one because that's what the EUA has contingency on. All these things have legal forms. 99.9% of what a law office does is file papers with the courts and those are all broilerplate.
So what's the broilerplate for "fuck your EUA, game over mofos"?
Not only that, but it has to be sent in public as well, to all social media networks, to all newspapers, etc. Sure, they'll censor it, but fuck it, has to be spread wide.
If that can be done, then they can be sued to terminate the vaxes and the requirements for vaxes and the passports. Once the legal machinery starts you can file injunctions to stop the vaxes while it gets battled in court - and that can take years.
I spoke to a canuck yesterday who went on and on about covid. He asked me how we're dealing with it in my state, "When I stopped watching the news covid went away". He didn't appreciate my humor.
That's awesome. Ok, so serious legit question.
If there's anything that can treat this disease/virus/nothing burger, then the EUA is dead. My question is this, what's the mechanism for reporting that? Is there a form you can serve to the FDA to say, "We have data that Probenecid stops SARS-COV2 dead in its tracks and therefore your EUA is now NULL AND VOID, CEASE AND DECIST."
How does one do that? And then do the same with ivermectin.
Like what's the mechanism? There must be one because that's what the EUA has contingency on. All these things have legal forms. 99.9% of what a law office does is file papers with the courts and those are all broilerplate.
So what's the broilerplate for "fuck your EUA, game over mofos"?
Not only that, but it has to be sent in public as well, to all social media networks, to all newspapers, etc. Sure, they'll censor it, but fuck it, has to be spread wide.
If that can be done, then they can be sued to terminate the vaxes and the requirements for vaxes and the passports. Once the legal machinery starts you can file injunctions to stop the vaxes while it gets battled in court - and that can take years.
Dude sleep and water fight this horrible virus.take off the masks and turn off tv and it wont even exist.
Not the point. If you can knock out the EUA there will be no more vaccine, pfizer will go tits up.
actually not true. thats not enough. water, sleep, vitamin c, d3, zinc destroy this thing hard.
I spoke to a canuck yesterday who went on and on about covid. He asked me how we're dealing with it in my state, "When I stopped watching the news covid went away". He didn't appreciate my humor.
Nothing will stop the shots. It's not about the shot or about COVID. It's about control. This is a dry run for the Mark of the Beast.