posted ago by Hiromant ago by Hiromant +41 / -1

I know most of you are still dooming but there are some interesting developments going on I thought I'd share.

From where I'm standing, things are amping up fast. Evergrande is collapsing and may bring down the whole world economy. Big names like general Milley and Prince Andrew are being publicly accused of serious crimes. John Durham indicted Hillary's lawyer. Celebrities like Nicki Minaj are hitting millions of young low information normies with the truth like nothing else can. Where I live, a suspicious shipwreck from 26 years ago that killed hundreds of people is suddenly being publicly investigated again and the government is trying and failing to stop it.

And now there are a few mainstream public figures like Glen Beck allegedly being briefed on government crimes against humanity that "make 9/11 look like nothing" and an Australian party leader coming out and warning people that shit's about to get real in the coming days and weeks. Whatever happens, looks like it will be out in the open from now on.

So from the resident Qtard, two more weeks.