We're in this mess because of too much empathy. Our society has been feminized, and government has increasingly taken on the role of a protective mother. This includes protecting people from a disease with very high survivability and making that into a pandemic.
I'm not saying today's men aren't cowards, I agree with that, but it leaves women to fix what other women have created. Trans-women in sports is a good example... men can't do anything about that. Men are ostracized and called homophobic unless you are an effeminate, weak male. So women will have to fix trans-women infiltrating their own sports divisions.
it leaves women to fix what other women have created.>
Say what? What kind of logic is this? Women didn’t feminize men. Men did that to themselves rejecting societal pressures and norms to “be a man,” always be “manly,” and be the provider. A lot of boys these days just want to have fun and have no responsibilities. I don’t see how women are to blame for this. Not all women are empaths
Of course. Not all women did this, but from my experience feminism was the primary vehicle for a lot of what we're seeing and I don't remember seeing push back from non-feminist women. It got so bad I've personally heard many men call themselves feminists, and no women pushed back there that I know of.
In other words, if I can blame it on feminism, then it's a matter of whether women have done enough to prevent it from going crazy and drafting communism, and then the gay movement, and then to some extent BLM movement (started by black, lesbian marxists).
Yes, men are weak for following along, but a good portion of men will always just do whatever women want them to. Hopefully more women can join in now and we can all start pushing back together.
Women did contribute a huge part to the feminisation of everything.
Everytime a woman shouted “sexism/toxic masculinity/etc” it contributed to that.
For the past 50 years, the majority of women voted for everything that destroys our countries, our societies, our families, our civilisation, etc. They did it without ever thinking about the future consequences of their actions and every time some dude tried to explain what would be the end result of all of it women just shouted some ad hominem ending in -ism or -phobic.
Can you give some examples from the past 50 years? Like I said in another comment I might be biased and I can think of 1000 different arguments besides women. Yes there was the me too movement and sort of a white male witch hunt, which I didn’t support. Although it did take out a lot of trash like Matt Lauer, Weinstein, Weiner, and ultimately I think Epstein too…
It's funny that you said "white male witch hunt" but all the guys you named are/were jews. Lel.
But yes, Me Too was, indeed, just another example of feminism poisoning the relationships between men and women. And most women blindly supported it.
As for women feminizing society, we have:
The boy scouts situations. Male spaces like the boy scouts are essential. If they are constantly being demonized, destroyed or invaded the only thing left is a bedroom with a pc to play video games. And yes, this will affect you in the long run as well. Because then you will want a guy to be your bf or husband or whatever and there won't be any. They won't have the maturity to do that or they simply won't be interested.
The endless support to everything lgbtq-related. You literally march to turn your sons into faggots. And it's just hilarious that now trannies are invading female spaces. It's hilarious because after decades of supporting this disgusting agenda, at the end of the road, there's a massive tranny dick for women to take it down their throats. And you will take it because you will always follow whatever the media tells you. You'll gladly take tranny dick just so you're not deemed "intolerant". You'll never side with guys like me because you were potty trained to believe that everything that existed before obama was racist/sexist/homophonic.
The constant screams of "rape" to any normal masculine behaviour. Women have been conditioned to associate normal masculine behaviour to "rape". And no, a nigger chimping out or groping you in the subway isn't what I call masculine behaviour.
As for women destroying western countries but not necessarily related with the feminization of western society, we have:
The constant support to flood our countries with immigrants. You're very naive if you think white countries will be the nice, developed places to live they've been when/if the majority of the population isn't white.
The constant support for the welfare state. It breeds parasitism.
The 85% of divorces initiated by women. You destroy families. And a solid family is the foundation for everything. We in the west have been conditioned to think that the individual is the most important thing (a consequence of the liberal ideology that arose in the 18th century) but it's not. We have all our laws written to protect the individual and that's wrong. The most important unit in a society is the family and the laws should be written to protect the family. An individual without a family is just a wild beast. It's the family that creates great individuals. Look at blacks in America that grow up without a proper family, look at the stats of criminality, drug abuse, alcoholism, school drop outs, etc of kids from single mother households. A proper family is the bedrock of a strong country. And when I say family I mean a dad, a mother and kids. Not two gays, not two lesbians with an adopted kid, not shit like that. A normal family. Western societies were built on all those things the media deems "toxic" and "backwards". They deem those things as "toxic" and "backwards" because those who rule us want to destroy us and they know that those things makes us stronger. We are decaying because we let go all of that stuff. We thought we knew better than our ancestors. We don't.
Now I know very well that women aren't directly responsible for these things happening. You're just the mindless sheep that those who want to destroy us use to fuck our countries. I know who is manipulating your brains. It has always been them. Since biblical times, the serpent has always convinced women to backstab their men. This to say, don't worry, I don't hold grudges against you, I just think you shouldn't be near any position of leadership. Your main role should be motherhood. And any ideology that takes women away from that role is stabbing a knife right in the heart of any civilization. Since we only continue to exist if we have kids, removing women from that role is like stabbing that civilization in the heart. Even if you're a high iq woman, it would be much better if you focused on having kids and consequently pass down that high iq than going for a career. The latter is very short sighted. If you focus on a career, you'll either not have kids or have 1. If you have 0 kids your iq dies with you. Which is awful for that civilization. If instead you have 2-3-4 kids your high iq will not only live beyond you but also multiply itself.
How anybody can simply just "trust the science" after that I don't know. I seriously have very little respect for the NPCs just blindly following orders.
You're right, but it's also primarily female staff who are facing termination at hospitals because they're not accepting the serum. And who are doing the whistleblowing.
I’ve heard this vote argument a few times… and I just don’t buy this. Maybe the numbers are there to support this but I was shocked by the amount of women who were die hard Trump supporters and much more vocal about it than men. I might be biased… I don’t like this argument and think women have been blamed for things throughout history. Adam and Eve and original sin, Henry VIII, the Salem witch trials, women voting, the list goes on…
Ok two of those were jokes but still, great point with this post... unfortunately I think our society is way less likely to take a nurse seriously than a doctor, though I suppose in some limited senses there is a justification (“ “more” “knowledge” “)
This. They psyop'ed many which is why their demographic has the highest compliance rate. Sort of like how they advertise and market everything heavily to women. The ones who break the strong programming are especially freethinking.
Many nurses are male. Many doctors female. Next to being a rock musician I was working ER in Amsterdam center for a long time (also pretty RnR). Only emergency medicine adds something to us as society, the rest of medicine has totally lost the point, drowning in its own narcissistic ego and hurting a lot of people. But people don't think of it that way. Most workers in healthcate think they are doing good for real. The patients respect doctors blindly. They don't see or want to acknowledge the pharmaceutical lie. They follow protocols and doctors live by the adoration of their patients and peers. Primary school but with more hidden agenda and serious consequences. I do speak up and am fed up with system, it does more harm than good. So I am without a job...
People should demand more transparency in their treatments and diagnostics. Physicians should be more honest. Alternative medicine is the Future.
Shout out to all the ladies out there bearing 2.1+ children. Social security is a ponzi scheme and without population replacement, I won’t be able to get my SS money back when i’m old and actually at risk for covid.
I'm a male nurse and have constantly been speaking up, but whatever. As I male nurse I'm used to being marginalized by women demanding attention for shit I normally do. So tiresome.
I've never seen a women display empathy in my entire life.
Women are attention whores and not a single example you have given has there been a women who hasn't benefited from "whistleblowing" either by directly selling their story or using the attention gained as a stepping stone to sell some other bullshit.
You might not understand empathy. It is putting your self in someone else's shoes and understanding their experience.
Exposing medical corruption and making bank has nothing to do with empathy.
Women were designed to support men, have children and raise the children. They were never designed to run the show. Differences in needs/wants/thought processes should make this obvious to anyone not brainwashed by egalitarianism.
Wrong. We're designed to support each other on different planes. Women's external beauty is a mirror of our moral and intuitional superiority. You are obviously physically and logically superior but unfortunately that logic without intuition leads to hubris. Y'all know we got something you don't deep down
A woman's intuition acts as a support for men's logic then. It's rare for modern women to have any intuition. The push for women to educate themselves, work and take on masculine traits has killed that skill. A pure feminine woman has it but they are so rare today. A feminine woman who has it who marries a man and provides her insight to her husband to help guide his judgement but not decide for him is the ideal.
We're in this mess because of too much empathy. Our society has been feminized, and government has increasingly taken on the role of a protective mother. This includes protecting people from a disease with very high survivability and making that into a pandemic.
I'm not saying today's men aren't cowards, I agree with that, but it leaves women to fix what other women have created. Trans-women in sports is a good example... men can't do anything about that. Men are ostracized and called homophobic unless you are an effeminate, weak male. So women will have to fix trans-women infiltrating their own sports divisions.
Say what? What kind of logic is this? Women didn’t feminize men. Men did that to themselves rejecting societal pressures and norms to “be a man,” always be “manly,” and be the provider. A lot of boys these days just want to have fun and have no responsibilities. I don’t see how women are to blame for this. Not all women are empaths
Of course. Not all women did this, but from my experience feminism was the primary vehicle for a lot of what we're seeing and I don't remember seeing push back from non-feminist women. It got so bad I've personally heard many men call themselves feminists, and no women pushed back there that I know of.
In other words, if I can blame it on feminism, then it's a matter of whether women have done enough to prevent it from going crazy and drafting communism, and then the gay movement, and then to some extent BLM movement (started by black, lesbian marxists).
Yes, men are weak for following along, but a good portion of men will always just do whatever women want them to. Hopefully more women can join in now and we can all start pushing back together.
Women did contribute a huge part to the feminisation of everything.
Everytime a woman shouted “sexism/toxic masculinity/etc” it contributed to that.
For the past 50 years, the majority of women voted for everything that destroys our countries, our societies, our families, our civilisation, etc. They did it without ever thinking about the future consequences of their actions and every time some dude tried to explain what would be the end result of all of it women just shouted some ad hominem ending in -ism or -phobic.
Can you give some examples from the past 50 years? Like I said in another comment I might be biased and I can think of 1000 different arguments besides women. Yes there was the me too movement and sort of a white male witch hunt, which I didn’t support. Although it did take out a lot of trash like Matt Lauer, Weinstein, Weiner, and ultimately I think Epstein too…
It's funny that you said "white male witch hunt" but all the guys you named are/were jews. Lel. But yes, Me Too was, indeed, just another example of feminism poisoning the relationships between men and women. And most women blindly supported it.
As for women feminizing society, we have:
The boy scouts situations. Male spaces like the boy scouts are essential. If they are constantly being demonized, destroyed or invaded the only thing left is a bedroom with a pc to play video games. And yes, this will affect you in the long run as well. Because then you will want a guy to be your bf or husband or whatever and there won't be any. They won't have the maturity to do that or they simply won't be interested.
The endless support to everything lgbtq-related. You literally march to turn your sons into faggots. And it's just hilarious that now trannies are invading female spaces. It's hilarious because after decades of supporting this disgusting agenda, at the end of the road, there's a massive tranny dick for women to take it down their throats. And you will take it because you will always follow whatever the media tells you. You'll gladly take tranny dick just so you're not deemed "intolerant". You'll never side with guys like me because you were potty trained to believe that everything that existed before obama was racist/sexist/homophonic.
The constant screams of "rape" to any normal masculine behaviour. Women have been conditioned to associate normal masculine behaviour to "rape". And no, a nigger chimping out or groping you in the subway isn't what I call masculine behaviour.
As for women destroying western countries but not necessarily related with the feminization of western society, we have:
The constant support to flood our countries with immigrants. You're very naive if you think white countries will be the nice, developed places to live they've been when/if the majority of the population isn't white.
The constant support for the welfare state. It breeds parasitism.
The 85% of divorces initiated by women. You destroy families. And a solid family is the foundation for everything. We in the west have been conditioned to think that the individual is the most important thing (a consequence of the liberal ideology that arose in the 18th century) but it's not. We have all our laws written to protect the individual and that's wrong. The most important unit in a society is the family and the laws should be written to protect the family. An individual without a family is just a wild beast. It's the family that creates great individuals. Look at blacks in America that grow up without a proper family, look at the stats of criminality, drug abuse, alcoholism, school drop outs, etc of kids from single mother households. A proper family is the bedrock of a strong country. And when I say family I mean a dad, a mother and kids. Not two gays, not two lesbians with an adopted kid, not shit like that. A normal family. Western societies were built on all those things the media deems "toxic" and "backwards". They deem those things as "toxic" and "backwards" because those who rule us want to destroy us and they know that those things makes us stronger. We are decaying because we let go all of that stuff. We thought we knew better than our ancestors. We don't.
Now I know very well that women aren't directly responsible for these things happening. You're just the mindless sheep that those who want to destroy us use to fuck our countries. I know who is manipulating your brains. It has always been them. Since biblical times, the serpent has always convinced women to backstab their men. This to say, don't worry, I don't hold grudges against you, I just think you shouldn't be near any position of leadership. Your main role should be motherhood. And any ideology that takes women away from that role is stabbing a knife right in the heart of any civilization. Since we only continue to exist if we have kids, removing women from that role is like stabbing that civilization in the heart. Even if you're a high iq woman, it would be much better if you focused on having kids and consequently pass down that high iq than going for a career. The latter is very short sighted. If you focus on a career, you'll either not have kids or have 1. If you have 0 kids your iq dies with you. Which is awful for that civilization. If instead you have 2-3-4 kids your high iq will not only live beyond you but also multiply itself.
uh yeah.. remember the opiod crisis? Where doctors legit got kick backs for lying about the dangers of OxyContin?
How anybody can simply just "trust the science" after that I don't know. I seriously have very little respect for the NPCs just blindly following orders.
i have zero
the female vote is responsible for this whole mess, since women value security more than freedom and are dumber and weaker than men.
We have a culture of Karens now steering us into totalitarian and corrupt dystopia.
You're right, but it's also primarily female staff who are facing termination at hospitals because they're not accepting the serum. And who are doing the whistleblowing.
Isn’t it primarily women who are nurses, in general?
It’s the first profession everyone thinks of when considering male and female ratio in the workplace
Are women disproportionately being discriminated against, adjusted for percentage of the nurse workforce
Or are there just way more of them so it usually is a woman we are talking about when referring to nurses
I’ve heard this vote argument a few times… and I just don’t buy this. Maybe the numbers are there to support this but I was shocked by the amount of women who were die hard Trump supporters and much more vocal about it than men. I might be biased… I don’t like this argument and think women have been blamed for things throughout history. Adam and Eve and original sin, Henry VIII, the Salem witch trials, women voting, the list goes on…
Go get a single mom pregnant then cockboy
Women defend the culture and men defend the women
Women defend the culture?
I remember sweden’s first feminist government went to iran and immediately submitted and wore the hijab.
Completely undermining the local women fighting to not wear it…
Did their men defend their preferences from the will of the despots?
Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring exposed the dangers of DDT (the true cause of the "polio" epidemic)
Dr. Sarah Stewart & Dr. Bernice Eddy: Eddy tried to warn the world about the contaminated polio vaccine
Judyth Vary Baker warned about experiments to induce cancer and the connection with JFK. (also Dr. Mary Sherman)
Dr. Suzanne Humphries' book "Dissolving Illusions" completely eviscerates the vaccine deception as well.
There are countless others, we should make a list.
Judy Mikovitz
Tiffany Dover
Bradley Manning
Ok two of those were jokes but still, great point with this post... unfortunately I think our society is way less likely to take a nurse seriously than a doctor, though I suppose in some limited senses there is a justification (“ “more” “knowledge” “)
Based women are fantastic. It's just too bad that the majority of women are the ones pushing this conspiracy in the first place.
This. They psyop'ed many which is why their demographic has the highest compliance rate. Sort of like how they advertise and market everything heavily to women. The ones who break the strong programming are especially freethinking.
I wouldnt even say theyre psyoped the compliance is just natural which is why the sufferage ( communists) fought for them to vote .
Many nurses are male. Many doctors female. Next to being a rock musician I was working ER in Amsterdam center for a long time (also pretty RnR). Only emergency medicine adds something to us as society, the rest of medicine has totally lost the point, drowning in its own narcissistic ego and hurting a lot of people. But people don't think of it that way. Most workers in healthcate think they are doing good for real. The patients respect doctors blindly. They don't see or want to acknowledge the pharmaceutical lie. They follow protocols and doctors live by the adoration of their patients and peers. Primary school but with more hidden agenda and serious consequences. I do speak up and am fed up with system, it does more harm than good. So I am without a job... People should demand more transparency in their treatments and diagnostics. Physicians should be more honest. Alternative medicine is the Future.
Shout out to all the ladies out there bearing 2.1+ children. Social security is a ponzi scheme and without population replacement, I won’t be able to get my SS money back when i’m old and actually at risk for covid.
Ivermecrin can be had for cheap. Keep a supply of it on hand. Even the 6 dollar tubes of paste for horses can be used with the correct dosage guide.
I'm a male nurse and have constantly been speaking up, but whatever. As I male nurse I'm used to being marginalized by women demanding attention for shit I normally do. So tiresome.
bruh you're a legend, didn't mean to take away from you or the millions of righteous dudes out there.
This thread doesn't address the countless women in authority now that are abusing their power to a psychotic degree.
I'm trying to be as positive as possible, and I've noticed in my research that many of the vaccine whistleblowers happen to be women.
The best researchers right now are female:
Alison McDowell
Jennifer Bilek
Catherine Austin Fitts
Not a coincidence
Don’t forget Shi Zengli’s work - and subsequently deleted her databases during the pandemic
Don't be so hyper focused on the literally having kids part, women can be mothers in a metaphorical way
Until men learn the limits of their left brain thinking, we're not going to get very far
I've never seen a women display empathy in my entire life.
Women are attention whores and not a single example you have given has there been a women who hasn't benefited from "whistleblowing" either by directly selling their story or using the attention gained as a stepping stone to sell some other bullshit.
You might not understand empathy. It is putting your self in someone else's shoes and understanding their experience.
Exposing medical corruption and making bank has nothing to do with empathy.
Women were designed to support men, have children and raise the children. They were never designed to run the show. Differences in needs/wants/thought processes should make this obvious to anyone not brainwashed by egalitarianism.
Wrong. We're designed to support each other on different planes. Women's external beauty is a mirror of our moral and intuitional superiority. You are obviously physically and logically superior but unfortunately that logic without intuition leads to hubris. Y'all know we got something you don't deep down
A woman's intuition acts as a support for men's logic then. It's rare for modern women to have any intuition. The push for women to educate themselves, work and take on masculine traits has killed that skill. A pure feminine woman has it but they are so rare today. A feminine woman who has it who marries a man and provides her insight to her husband to help guide his judgement but not decide for him is the ideal.
This is true , men are better at solo mental tasks.
This is true , men are better at solo mental tasks.
Shi Zengli literally caused this virus and then deleted her public database that could have helped….
you’re giving women in general a bunch of credit that they absolutely do not deserve. big time.
I'm glad I never subbed here. Holy hell, go back to Reddit with your anti-male sexism. You'll get a free TwoXChromosomes mod in the bargain.
Sounds like you sub in your house.
I live alone.
That's because they never stop talking
Fat stupid nurses vs. Medical Doctors with 12 years higher education
But go ahead and believe twitter