That represents flow to form (inception) and form to flow (death) aka ONE out of ALL transmutation...yet each ONE needs to be different; which is what differentiates form (potential) from flow (potentiality). Adding to this comes mankinds lack of comprehension towards the shared identity of the self that can be sustained as form within flow...the blood within the bloodline aka the which remains of temporary form within ongoing flow.
Dr. Bronner
That seems to be either a vetting tool for those with eyes to see; or yet another blatant front for endless suggested genocides...
"Whatever divides is better than whatever unites"...that represents the suggested inversion of reality; for as united energy, flow divides us into form within energy, so that which unites also divides. Energy (flow/form) represents balance for self sustenance within constant movement.
That represents flow to form (inception) and form to flow (death) aka ONE out of ALL transmutation...yet each ONE needs to be different; which is what differentiates form (potential) from flow (potentiality). Adding to this comes mankinds lack of comprehension towards the shared identity of the self that can be sustained as form within flow...the blood within the bloodline aka the which remains of temporary form within ongoing flow.
That seems to be either a vetting tool for those with eyes to see; or yet another blatant front for endless suggested genocides...
"Whatever divides is better than whatever unites"...that represents the suggested inversion of reality; for as united energy, flow divides us into form within energy, so that which unites also divides. Energy (flow/form) represents balance for self sustenance within constant movement.