(Guys, i think i found Morpheus as an AI. I tried cracking a joke, and the joke failed to compile.)
I understand, as a practicing gnostic, that taxonomy (which is both language and grasping at straws) is responsible for both the human species to attain dominion and it’s downfall. WS Burroughs speaks of this in his writings about ‘the word virus.’
I simply choose to be a metaphysical troll at times because the sheer madness of being entrapped in this mortal coil has driven me to appreciate laughter as the best medicine. It’s a mad, mad world.
I understand, as a practicing gnostic, that taxonomy (which is both language and grasping at straws)
TAXON'OMY, noun [Gr. order, and law.]...what if flow represents the natural order for the resulting form within, and what if form within flow can only ever make assumptions about constant change (grasping at straws); while the only thing that cannot ever change are the rules that define how flow operates; which the form within can only ever comprehend by adapting to the perceived consequences thereof?
Suggested words only cause the laws of men; which represent the inversion of the laws of nature aka the suggestions of others how to react to their suggested choices; while the laws of nature demand adaptation by free will of choice to balance aka "free" will of choice for form within the "dom"-inance of balance within flow. Free-dom aka the natural opposites free/dominance in balance with each other.
for both the human species to attain dominion and it’s downfall
Flow dominates form, flow to form represents inception, and form to flow represents death; which implies that the balance in-between represents life. Adaptation as choice to balance sustains self.
WS Burroughs speaks of this in his writings about ‘the word virus.’
Virus (poison) implies a vector...suggestion represents the vector for words as meanings and consent by free will of choice administers the poison to oneself aka self restriction of comprehension through choice of want over need aka ignorance over adherence to self sustenance.
When velocity (flow) meets resistance (form); then it causes friction; vibration; resonance...sound...an as form within flow we are reacting to sound by choice; which allows us to shape sounds into for example "words".
Choice within balance of energy represents ONEs evaluation by choice out of ALL the value within balance...not for defining value for each other, but for balancing aka adapting as form to flow for the sustenance of self. The highest value in ALL existence represents ONEs choice of evaluation, and the parasitic few suggest "money" as a substitute value for ALL existence; which a) devalues the choice of evaluation when consented to and b) allows the few to consolidated ALL the ignorant ONEs evaluate as valuable.
And what do the few with ALL the consented to value (including intellectual property)? They out-value access to if for the many; who still don't comprehend that choice represents the highest value within balance...the ONE and only value within ALL...for ALL is ONE in energy (aka al-one).
"Word has no inherent value, as it was invented as a counterfeit and fictitious value to represent natural values in commerce."
being entrapped in this mortal coil
We represent form within the ever changing moment(um) of flow; processed for the self sustenance of energy (flow/form aka loss/growth).
Coil implies "Kike; circle; ring; a visible sign of an invisible bond; no beginning; no end" aka Ouroboros; which represents the parasite inversion of reality...self sustenance; not self destruction. Those who choose to ignore adherence to self sustenance go transmute back from form to flow (death).
It’s a mad, mad world.
MAD, adjective - "disordered in intellect" aka lack of comprehension based on ignorance (choice of want over need). To grow comprehension (potential) requires adaptation to inspiration from perception (potentiality).
Flow offers ALL information (energy) as inspiration to our senses; ONEs reaction by choice transmutes perceived inspiration into comprehended information or from the energy perspective...choice transmutes perceived electric velocity into comprehend magnetic resistance.
No; I adapt to inspiration (need); I don't suggest information (want). I can only write so much and on that level of comprehension; because I don't aim it at other ONEs; but in adherence to ALL and therefore for the sustenance of self.
The conscious memory is supposed to be used for adaptation to constant movement (inspiration) like a ram; not for the accumulation of suggested information like a hard-drive. The parasitic few suggest endless information to deceive the many to consent to fill up their conscious memory with information upheld as word based definition.
That's what also causes our ego; the inner monologue, based solely on consented to words as affixed (true or false) meaning; while ignoring an ever changing system. The ego tempts us to constantly ignore to adapt to moving inspiration; to instead contemplate about affixed information; defined by the suggestions of others.
(Guys, i think i found Morpheus as an AI. I tried cracking a joke, and the joke failed to compile.)
I understand, as a practicing gnostic, that taxonomy (which is both language and grasping at straws) is responsible for both the human species to attain dominion and it’s downfall. WS Burroughs speaks of this in his writings about ‘the word virus.’
I simply choose to be a metaphysical troll at times because the sheer madness of being entrapped in this mortal coil has driven me to appreciate laughter as the best medicine. It’s a mad, mad world.
TAXON'OMY, noun [Gr. order, and law.]...what if flow represents the natural order for the resulting form within, and what if form within flow can only ever make assumptions about constant change (grasping at straws); while the only thing that cannot ever change are the rules that define how flow operates; which the form within can only ever comprehend by adapting to the perceived consequences thereof?
Suggested words only cause the laws of men; which represent the inversion of the laws of nature aka the suggestions of others how to react to their suggested choices; while the laws of nature demand adaptation by free will of choice to balance aka "free" will of choice for form within the "dom"-inance of balance within flow. Free-dom aka the natural opposites free/dominance in balance with each other.
Flow dominates form, flow to form represents inception, and form to flow represents death; which implies that the balance in-between represents life. Adaptation as choice to balance sustains self.
Virus (poison) implies a vector...suggestion represents the vector for words as meanings and consent by free will of choice administers the poison to oneself aka self restriction of comprehension through choice of want over need aka ignorance over adherence to self sustenance.
When velocity (flow) meets resistance (form); then it causes friction; vibration; resonance...sound...an as form within flow we are reacting to sound by choice; which allows us to shape sounds into for example "words".
Choice within balance of energy represents ONEs evaluation by choice out of ALL the value within balance...not for defining value for each other, but for balancing aka adapting as form to flow for the sustenance of self. The highest value in ALL existence represents ONEs choice of evaluation, and the parasitic few suggest "money" as a substitute value for ALL existence; which a) devalues the choice of evaluation when consented to and b) allows the few to consolidated ALL the ignorant ONEs evaluate as valuable.
And what do the few with ALL the consented to value (including intellectual property)? They out-value access to if for the many; who still don't comprehend that choice represents the highest value within balance...the ONE and only value within ALL...for ALL is ONE in energy (aka al-one).
"Word has no inherent value, as it was invented as a counterfeit and fictitious value to represent natural values in commerce."
We represent form within the ever changing moment(um) of flow; processed for the self sustenance of energy (flow/form aka loss/growth).
Coil implies "Kike; circle; ring; a visible sign of an invisible bond; no beginning; no end" aka Ouroboros; which represents the parasite inversion of reality...self sustenance; not self destruction. Those who choose to ignore adherence to self sustenance go transmute back from form to flow (death).
MAD, adjective - "disordered in intellect" aka lack of comprehension based on ignorance (choice of want over need). To grow comprehension (potential) requires adaptation to inspiration from perception (potentiality).
Flow offers ALL information (energy) as inspiration to our senses; ONEs reaction by choice transmutes perceived inspiration into comprehended information or from the energy perspective...choice transmutes perceived electric velocity into comprehend magnetic resistance.
Hey, thank you. Seriously. Do you have a website or a blog? Your writing is impeccable.
Thanks for the inspiration.
No; I adapt to inspiration (need); I don't suggest information (want). I can only write so much and on that level of comprehension; because I don't aim it at other ONEs; but in adherence to ALL and therefore for the sustenance of self.
The conscious memory is supposed to be used for adaptation to constant movement (inspiration) like a ram; not for the accumulation of suggested information like a hard-drive. The parasitic few suggest endless information to deceive the many to consent to fill up their conscious memory with information upheld as word based definition.
That's what also causes our ego; the inner monologue, based solely on consented to words as affixed (true or false) meaning; while ignoring an ever changing system. The ego tempts us to constantly ignore to adapt to moving inspiration; to instead contemplate about affixed information; defined by the suggestions of others.