Choice (form) represents power of evaluation in reaction to power of balance (flow); which contains all value. The suggestions by the choices of others represent the temptation for choice to ignore responding to balance. All symbols within nature are communicated to our senses as moving inspiration to react to by choice, and those who suggest us to believe the meaning of suggested symbols want us to ignore reaction to inspiration (aka adaptation).
don't be anymore afraid of their meanings than you would be if you were learning German.
About that...Unter dichtem Fichtendickicht picken dicke Finken tüchtig. Dicke Finken picken tüchtig unter dichtem Fichtendickicht.
Choice (form) represents power of evaluation in reaction to power of balance (flow); which contains all value. The suggestions by the choices of others represent the temptation for choice to ignore responding to balance. All symbols within nature are communicated to our senses as moving inspiration to react to by choice, and those who suggest us to believe the meaning of suggested symbols want us to ignore reaction to inspiration (aka adaptation).
About that...Unter dichtem Fichtendickicht picken dicke Finken tüchtig. Dicke Finken picken tüchtig unter dichtem Fichtendickicht.