• If a comment in reddit was generated because a company paid for it to be created, a disclosure should be attached to that comment.
• If a comment in reddit was generated because a government entity paid for it to be created, a disclosure should be attached to that comment.
• If a comment in reddit was generated because a non-profit organization paid for it to be created, a disclosure should be attached to that comment.
• If a comment in reddit was generated by a person not affiliated with any organization, then no disclosure should be necessary.
The spirit of the law would be to make it impossible for organizations to push content without the people knowing which organization(s) are responsible for said content.
I see some seriously filthy and disgusting comments all over reddit. If the source of those comments are from an organization, I want to know.
Note, this law should apply to all internet and social media, not just reddit.
Like this one from Hillary Clinton to Chelsea Clinton
From: Hrod17@clintonemail.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 11:11 PM
To: Diane Reynolds
Subject: Re: I'm in my office
Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like group: The ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty w a wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow.
Let's try again later.
Oh, hang on, they were kept on a private computer specifically to avoid public scrutiny. And then everyone got hook on the "muh classified emails" part and not the "avoiding FOIA requests" part.
You must be mistaken. All that was wiped by BleachBit, like with a washcloth or something, and then the whole server caught fire in the Clintons' bathroom and was very thoroughly burned into molten metal. It could happen to anyone.
🤔 is possible these things already are covered under FOIA- i wonder is anyone has tried this. Would need to find example where we know it’s happening