They will throw the nurses and docs under the bus claiming they did subcutaneous injections instead of intramuscular injections, that THAT is what caused the ADVERSE effects, and otherwise the product is 100% safe and effective
mRNA is a tricky technology. Several major pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects.
Hmm, now tell us about heart problems weeks later. My guess is that intramuscular simply delays the damage long enough they can deny it was due to the vaccine.
This is part of damage control.
They will throw the nurses and docs under the bus claiming they did subcutaneous injections instead of intramuscular injections, that THAT is what caused the ADVERSE effects, and otherwise the product is 100% safe and effective
Just more BS.
Now? Some of us knew this before the SARS-COVs-2 outbreak
If you've been following the story of Moderna
Hmm, now tell us about heart problems weeks later. My guess is that intramuscular simply delays the damage long enough they can deny it was due to the vaccine.