And I didn't just mean info warfare, it's definitely not working in the big picture, I meant stuff to be done in the real world.
Theoretically, if 70% of Japanese stopped wearing masks out of mass non-compliance would make things look a LOT better, but are there anything that could actually be PRACTICALLY done no matter where you are in?
Stop complying
Stop traveling, stop going to restaurants, places that preach masking
Encourage all fools to take vaxx and boosters ASAP (the sooner we crash, the faster the scam will be exposed)
Get the mask, test and injections analyzed at an Uni lab, get the test reports and post them anonymously to investigative journalists:
If possible. Just opt out of the system altogether, to the extent you can.
6 .Watch it all collapse in slow motion.
Stop reading news, media, propaganda
Enjoy your life with family, in the nature, in your own privacy
Keep together with likeminded people.