Applogies if this has been discussed here before.
Diseases like SARS (original) and Ebola were too deadly and fizzled out quickly. While Ebola has had multiple outbreaks, each individual outbreak dissipates quickly. West Nile was used to scare everyone, but was basically the flu and fear went away quickly. While I believe Covid 19 exists in some form, I don't believe it's nearly as deadly as hoped, hence the constant anti-science propaganda campaign to keep fear going. There's no way more have died than maybe a severe seasonal flu season at worst.
Has anyone compiled information on any of these prior diseases that suggests they were plandemics? I know the media propaganda machine hyped them all to death, im just wondering when the scam began, and if earlier outbreaks were test runs.
The pandemic was always going to be a snowballing media campaign ran by the CIA mockingbird shills.
Those viruses are just opportunities that can be taken if the time calls for it. America was experiencing a patriotic movement, so they harnessed a virus for a fear campaign and total tyranny to counter the patriotism. Those viruses they have are already patented and nothing new really. They're just weapons they can pull off the shelf. That is what it is.
Coronavirus is nothing more than a common cold.
The danger is the spike protein (a bioweapon), which was made in a Chinese lab via Gain of Function research, authorized and overseen by the WHO, NIH, Fauci, Gates (Rockefeller Institute) etc. Then they engineered a vaccine which is actually a gene therapy that causes your body to produce this spike protein. There are also other ingredients and contaminants in the vaccines because that's just what happens when you rush 5 year treatments in 1 year. Huge conspiracy. Biggest one of the decade or perhaps century, maybe of USA's entire history.
Our generation doesn't know how to check published medical literature for these things because they live on the internet which is fully controlled, also by the CIA.
We must go back to the published literature by our elders and re-learn everything.
Start at Socrates and spend a lot of time on Plato, then you will start to see what's going on.