Applogies if this has been discussed here before.
Diseases like SARS (original) and Ebola were too deadly and fizzled out quickly. While Ebola has had multiple outbreaks, each individual outbreak dissipates quickly. West Nile was used to scare everyone, but was basically the flu and fear went away quickly. While I believe Covid 19 exists in some form, I don't believe it's nearly as deadly as hoped, hence the constant anti-science propaganda campaign to keep fear going. There's no way more have died than maybe a severe seasonal flu season at worst.
Has anyone compiled information on any of these prior diseases that suggests they were plandemics? I know the media propaganda machine hyped them all to death, im just wondering when the scam began, and if earlier outbreaks were test runs.
Spanish Flu is almost like Covid 19 a century ago and I doubt the fear of a massive cull is this imminent by that time. Information is not that pervasive (indicating the MSM cannot easily fear monger), industries are not fully compromised yet and the people haven't even tasted the worse of Soviets and Nazis.
Right now? I believe that whatever they used to test run on rats in the Universe 25 Mouse Utopia,is used on you. Unless this is a false flag I personally see fizzle, of course.