posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +1 / -4

The reality of the ignorant

Covid is a real pandemic consisting of a deadly virus, which must be prevented by masking, lockdowns, social distancing, and finally, vaccines. The crisis is temporary like Swine Flu and will be over sooner or later.

The second reality of the ignorant

Covid is a false Pandemic (Or a Wuhan Lab experiment), its goal is to push vaccinations so big pharma can make money. Thankfully, we will be winning and we ARE winning considering the majority doesn't care anymore and is just begging for their governments to stop.

The reality of the semi-enlightened

Covid is a false Pandemic (Or a Wuhan Lab experiment), its goal is to push vaccinations so big pharma can make money. We will get out of this sooner or later under the price of most of the ignorant dead to vaccines, sterile or mind controlled.

The reality of the enlightened

Covid is a false Pandemic that does NOT exist to begin with, and it is a wet dream for psychopathic control freaks to basically become demi-gods ruling over all of creation. Like how you say? The vaccines are a goalpost and you are FATED to be isolated for 1-3 more decades. The number of people vaccinated or resisting this fat sham does not matter to begin with. The Elites will perpetuate more mutant Covid scares until everyone becomes vaccinated, infused with machines and isolated, and they fake themselves "dying to a Zeta Mutant" so civilization devolves into complete cannibalism and "kill or be killed". After only a fraction of the original population remain as inhuman apex predators, the elite drives them out to the wilderness like some feral animal and replaces the current humanity with GMO warrior slaves.

I personally believe in reality 4 and this is your one and only future at this state.

Realizing this is the only way any resistance or any legit resistance could be formed.

How about you?