posted ago by TrumpCovid ago by TrumpCovid +22 / -1

There is a spiritual aspect to all of this. This all goes back to the old testament, this is all going to be religious oddly enough because you know religion is essentially something used to hide the truth. It doesn't matter if you don't believe in the most high because our enemy absolutely does. That's why they have their bohemian grove rituals and their eyes wide shut parties, because they absolutely know that the most high exists and the other fellas exist because that's who they worship.

Theres a verse in genesis thats often missed because its one verse and it basically tells of how angels basically came down and had sex with women and produced another bloodline, another seed line in this earth, that is why the most high had to create a flood. He wasn't a genocidal maniac like the dawkins of this world would say, he wanted to preserve mankind from this corruption. It's this corruption that we are seeing in the world today because that bloodline is the bloodline that is in charge of the world today. That bloodline hates us, it despises us and it doesn't matter if you look like them, they hate you just as much as they hate everyone else.

If you follow the story in Genesis the most high is going through a program after the flood of preserving the blood line, he's choosing one person out of his three sons. He chose Shem and out of Shem's descendants he chose Abraham and after Abraham he chose Isaac. Isaac had two twins, one called Esau the first born and the other called Jacob, he chose Jacob. After Jacob all of his sons were chosen because Jacob was now purified. On the other side Esau had the fallen angel genes concentrated in him, it's his children that are in charge of this earth today. Esau and JAcob were actually fighting in the womb, they came out still fighting. Jacob had a hold of Esau’s heel. Through a little bit of trickery but it wasn't actually trickery Esua ended up with the inheritance of the earth instead of his brother Jacob the first born who should have inherited it but he gave that inheritance away. But the point is that this all goes back to hatred because one bloodline, one nation, was given inheritance or stewardship of this earth and the other one didn't.

This is why all of this is about depopulation, it's all about depopulation because it's one nation trying to get rid of the other nation, everyone else is collateral damage. Acceptable losses, that's who you are. If you ever watched Harry Potter you find that there is an elite class of wizards called the Malfoy’s, white hair blue eyed types. They look down on all the others and call them mud bloods, dirty blood. If you're not part of their bloodline you're not going to make it as far as they are concerned because they do not like you, they despise you.

What we got going on in the world today is a chosen people of the most high, i'm not talking about the Ish people that live in Palestine right now, there is a chosen people of the most high and there is a chosen people of the other fellows. Just like they are 12 tribes of Israel they are 12-13 bloodlines to the Illuminati, equal and opposite. Right now we are at the end of their temporary blessing, they were blessed with being able to live in the best places on earth, living in luxury but they'll do it by the sword. Their inheritance came in during the Renaissance period, since then they've been rampaging across the earth, killing, maming, taking property, and fulfilling their blessing. But now their blessing is coming to an end, this is what we are seeing. The end of their blessing, the end of their reign. This is why throwing everything and the kitchen sink into this, this is why they're rushing. Before they were going very slowly, one little change at a time but they've run out of time now. Now they're rushing to get this thing in, rushing to exterminate us.

At the end of the day this isn't the important part, when you watch a film you're actually watching two stories unfold. You're watching the main plotline, the setting of the film. In this case it's coronavirus, new world order, chemtrails destroying the world, that whole thing. That's just the main plot, the important thing is the hero's journey through that world, that's the most important part of the story. It's not about chemtrails, corona virus and that stuff, it's about your journey through it. It's what you do, what you choose to do, how you choose to play this game. Do you play it righteously? Or are you going to play it wickedly? It's a war for your soul, it all comes down to what you choose to do.

So the point is we've all been incarnated here with the ten commandments written on our hearts. We don't need to be told about them, we know what they are, they manifest in the real world as common law. We don't live by common law right now, we're being run by wicked people and this wicked society that we live in. Better make a choice because the devil owns the fence, you have to make a choice, you have to choose to do the right thing. Everyone of you has made that choice, the choice of righteousness. Your job out here is to help people make that choice, help them stand up to this because that's what you have to do.