2008 was a black swan event. Big banks and elites were getting filthy rich on the housing boom. They were caught flat-footed as was everyone else. They just made sure the bailouts protected them and the politicians that enabled them, and that nobody saw a prison cell for anything.
If an engineered crash happens, it will be to force a transition to a non-cash economy. I don't think that's likely to happen, because political power is all about a grift...taxing the masses to reward your friends and punish your enemies.
Democrats are more than willing to jigger things or jawbone such as to cause a recession to obtain power, but not do so when they are in power.
2008 was a black swan event. Big banks and elites were getting filthy rich on the housing boom. They were caught flat-footed as was everyone else. They just made sure the bailouts protected them and the politicians that enabled them, and that nobody saw a prison cell for anything.
If an engineered crash happens, it will be to force a transition to a non-cash economy. I don't think that's likely to happen, because political power is all about a grift...taxing the masses to reward your friends and punish your enemies.
Democrats are more than willing to jigger things or jawbone such as to cause a recession to obtain power, but not do so when they are in power.