I am starting to get the feeling that lies have to keep bigger and bigger just to keep up.
It's like hyper inflation, you need to print more and more money with less return every time. The holocaust lie, then September 11th, and now to the convid hoax. The convid hoax is a lie that affects each and every person on the planet on a personal level.
The next lie needs to be even bigger!!! How can they pull off the next on is beyond me. Things will crack for sure then.
I am starting to get the feeling that lies have to keep bigger and bigger just to keep up.
It's like hyper inflation, you need to print more and more money with less return every time. The holocaust lie, then September 11th, and now to the convid hoax. The convid hoax is a lie that affects each and every person on the planet on a personal level.
The next lie needs to be even bigger!!! How can they pull off the next on is beyond me. Things will crack for sure then.