I like how people think that a bunch of people who cannot even secure Iraq or Baghadad and runs out of Ammo when airstriking Libya can somehow implant nanochips using vaccines, use vaccines to kill 95% of the global population, do stuff that harms them (imagine all the security cameras being destroyed over a nuke or Geneva running defunct because of a mass cyberhacking attack) or even somehow had giant, invincible ufo robots that can wipe out whole swathes of the population.
This is not gonna happen.
When the cull comes it will just be done using the ugliest, crudest and inane methods possible.
Does "resetting the globe over a cough by grooming people and turning them into half machine cannibal killers that terminate their own then replacing themselves with AI clones and the population with GMO Test Tube humans that will become obedient to them at all costs" sound like an intelligent plan to you?
The few suggest; the many that consent to believe the suggestion are then acting in adherence to the few. The ignorance of the many established the few; sustains the few; and inspires the few to ruthlessly exploit the many; while directing the many to set up the means of self destruction by themselves.
Those who comprehend this are merely stuck in the crossfire of mass ignorance, and guess what's the last thing the ignorant want to confront? Their ignorance. They simply ignore choosing to be ignorant ad infinitum to the detriment of everyone.
Guess what inspired the so called jews to be sarcastic...
You assume the point of the Iraq war was to secure Iraq. Much like Afghanistan, the point was to keep American troops there for as long as possible, which meant allowing enemies to live to fight another day.
They certainly have reason to believe that culling a significant portion of the world population would benefit them. Depending on which portion, I wouldn't even necessarily disagree. But I'm pretty sure we disagree on which portion should be eliminated.
So they can't take people out with vaccines but yet can have "AI clones and the population with GMO Test Tube humans that will become obedient to them at all costs"
The wars in Iraq was about destroying it in preparation for the greater israel project, it was achieved. Never about securing it. Same goes for Syria, and same goes for what is currently going in Egypt.
They can't even overthrow Assad.
If they actually did work, Assad would be overthrown.
They are not godlike for sure, and they sure have had many blunders and delayed schedules well beyond most people imagine. I agree with that 100%. I am starting to think they wanted to roll out so many things just after WW2 but had to delay most of them for various reasons.
But while they do not always achieve their goals, they make progress on them. Which is what matters, maybe they wanted to topple Assad. maybe not. They are quite flexible. If they didn't achieve A they will go for a lesser B.
Syria was for the most part depopulated and destroyed, and Golan heights sovereignty affirmed for the jewish gangs (israelis).
BTW I do not know if people are aware of this, but it is well known that Hafez Al Assad sold the Golan heights. he received CIA money for it, The Golan Heights is one of the easiest places to defend in the world and yet there was a complete withdrawal without a fight, he was minister of defense back then and announced the defeat of the Syrian army well before any israeli soldiers step foot in the Golan heights with the result of all troops withdrawing.
No, sounds more like some creepy fantasy
The point is that it does not take much effort for them to do this.
The first artificial heart is available for sale in France. Give it 10 more years.
My point is: this sounds more like some creepy fantasy
Sounds like a misapprehension of the plan.