posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +19 / -3

I like how people think that a bunch of people who cannot even secure Iraq or Baghadad and runs out of Ammo when airstriking Libya can somehow implant nanochips using vaccines, use vaccines to kill 95% of the global population, do stuff that harms them (imagine all the security cameras being destroyed over a nuke or Geneva running defunct because of a mass cyberhacking attack) or even somehow had giant, invincible ufo robots that can wipe out whole swathes of the population.


This is not gonna happen.

When the cull comes it will just be done using the ugliest, crudest and inane methods possible.

Does "resetting the globe over a cough by grooming people and turning them into half machine cannibal killers that terminate their own then replacing themselves with AI clones and the population with GMO Test Tube humans that will become obedient to them at all costs" sound like an intelligent plan to you?