posted ago by EuropeanRepublican ago by EuropeanRepublican +12 / -1

Do you know what the best thing about the audits is?

It's not GEOTUS returning to the White House and ousting Traitor Joe. It's not people going to prison for massive voter fraud. It's not people realizing that GEOTUS probably won 70-80% of the votes at least.


I want to see these people denying, crying, screaming when they realize that the fake world they carefully built in the past years is crumbling. I want to see the media's futile attempts at covering it up, the increasingly wild stories trying to explain how "illegal" or "biased" the audit is. I want to see the media say "The audit is fake because we say so. You are a racist if you believe it." I want to see and enjoy every tear and every whine. I want to see them suffer. Only suffering can force them to accept the truth. Only suffering, being confronted with all the truth at once, unable to deny it, will lead these souls to the path of light.

We are shoving a massive red pill down their asses right now.