I came across some info a few months ago that one reasons people in the west are getting so fat, and having so many other health related issues, is that our modern diet has way too much Omega-6 fats and too little Omega-3 fats. Most traditional/healthy diets have close to a 1 to 1 ratio of Omega 6 to 3. However, the western diet is around 16 to 1. Sources of Omega 6 fats mostly comes from seed and vegetable oils (like soy, canola, corn, and sunflower) that are used in heavily processed foods. Healthier oils are coconut, avocado, olive, butter, and lard. Additionally, grass fed meat products (meat, eggs, milk, butter, etc.) is also higher in Omega 3 fats, but since factory farming has taken over most animals are fed a grain diet, which makes them higher in Omega 6 fats.
Solution: stop eating processed foods, use healthier oils, and buy grass fed animal products.
Beyond Meat
= would not touch with a ten foot pole.
Industrial poison.
If dog foods contain shit like these, it's no wonder why dog depression and cancer rates are shooting up sky high.
I came across some info a few months ago that one reasons people in the west are getting so fat, and having so many other health related issues, is that our modern diet has way too much Omega-6 fats and too little Omega-3 fats. Most traditional/healthy diets have close to a 1 to 1 ratio of Omega 6 to 3. However, the western diet is around 16 to 1. Sources of Omega 6 fats mostly comes from seed and vegetable oils (like soy, canola, corn, and sunflower) that are used in heavily processed foods. Healthier oils are coconut, avocado, olive, butter, and lard. Additionally, grass fed meat products (meat, eggs, milk, butter, etc.) is also higher in Omega 3 fats, but since factory farming has taken over most animals are fed a grain diet, which makes them higher in Omega 6 fats.
Solution: stop eating processed foods, use healthier oils, and buy grass fed animal products.
Link discussing all this: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/optimize-omega-6-omega-3-ratio#TOC_TITLE_HDR_6