u/ScutFarkus , another low life shill just like u/Davidcoleintrepid . Post history of u/ScutFarkus include:
HOLY SHIT ITS NOT A MEME!- Intelligence study links LOW IQ to CONSERVATISM!> Sex, drugs and the GOP> Why are the top 10 most federally dependent states ALL red, CONSERVATIVE states? Shouldn’t they “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” and STOP relying on GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS?> What’s wrong with conservative Christians?> What’s the difference between Colin Kaepernick and Derrick Chauvin? .....Nobody died when Colin Karpernick took a knee.> Here's his Intel scouting post, trying to get information on how you found this place: How did you find this place?> Finally, here's his initial get out of handshake status very first post post: Can we now be both pro-trump and anti-vaccination at the same time?>
Clearly a leftist shill. Seems to sit here all day and try to poach an insult where he can. Here's a few comments from him:
Boy, this article sure struck a nerve with you. Hopefully this at least clears some things up for you.You aren’t retarded because you’re a conservative.You’re conservative because you’re a retard.> See, it’s not your fault you’re conservative.You’re genetically programmed to.You didn’t even have a chance.> The best part is when they reveal they have evidence that Kyle shot first and that’s why the group ran after him, you’ll still defend him.> I’m here to keep an eye on alt right extremists and incels such as yourself. Keep up the “good” work.>
Seems to get irked at anything about the shape of the earth, or any questioning of space not being what we're told.
Flattard acuses user of being a shill. Can't make this shit up. Just stick to your flat earth spam. lmao
You're probably the same person
Because how could there be more than one single person disagreeing with a paranoid flattard on this site, am I right!? Must be the same person... You're lost.
Still shill faggots like yourself
Yeah, I've yet to see a shill that can keep from devolving...there's a few that try, but they aren't very good.
One hilarious example is a "user" on conspiracyundone on Reddit, who was obviously paid to make a completely false story about COVID and persecution by people who didn't "believe" in it (especially a comically unhygenic and insane roommate). I, along with a couple of others, tore 'em up so bad they actually said at one point "Please let me have this one." I am not kidding.
Not only that, but many of the shills are also blatant occultists. just sayin'
Ive met these types of deluded scum agents irl.
Puppet cuntfaced dogs obeying their masters.
Kyle didn't shoot first. Han did.
Probably the same person.