I simply adapt to the inspiration of 'All'; while resisting to consent to any suggested division. It is usually others who want to tell me where I posted; while I don't even read usernames (idolatry); or vote (pass judgements); or start threads (offer information in ignorance of inspiration).
If you don't want "division"
Want or don't want are both defined by suggested want aka the ignorance of need. Example "vaccine"...doesn't matter if you want or don't want it; you are trapped in a conflict of reason with the otehr side within the same suggested fiction. I rather not consent to that conflict and instead simply point out...VAC'CINE, adjective [Latin vaccinus, from vacca, a cow.]; which I guess makes me a shill for free will of choice? then again...SHILL, verb transitive - "to put under cover"...it's not like I'm hiding it.
Then you misunderstood. There is no "division" it's a growth.
What if the foundation for both growth/corruption is motion; which defines the balance of choice in-between? That choice represents ONEs few will of choice within ALL, and so whenever ONE consents to a suggestion by another ONE, he ignores adherence to ALL.
Within motion ONE only has two choices...sustaining self by adhering to ALL in motion (reality); or ignoring to do so by consenting to the suggested beliefs (fiction) from other ONEs.
While motion both grows and corrupts those within; ONEs choice of action need to be in adherence to the rules of motion (ALL) to sustain growth within self; while believing the suggestion of others causes corruption of self.
In short...suggestion requires consent by beleif; belief causes conflict of reason (truth vs false). The few control the many by division through suggestion, and they do so in exchange for consent by free will of choice from the many...who thanks to their choice of ignorance don't comprehend this, because belief (affixed) restricts comprehension of perceived motion.
(idolatry)...Lol, no
Nature does not use names; brands; idols to communicate information; what you perceive through your senses represents inspiration through the consequences of actions in motion. You perceive change; which inspires you to act; to adapt to it; which when chosen to adhered to builds your comprehension of what the perceived means.
On here; within digital suggested fiction; they offer avatars to mimic identity; voting to mimic choice; emoticons to mimic emotions; instant messaging to mimic adaptation, communities to mimic unity, choice of information to mimic perception; audio and video to mimic senses; guidelines to mimic authority and so on.
That's all under the umbrella of transhumanism; which aims to exchange the 1 (natural reality) with the 0 (digital controlled fiction) by means of suggestion to corrupt our comprehension.
Within reality you are ONE within ALL under the laws of nature; but they tricked you to believe that you are the name your parents gave you; which for the few who control the many, represents a corporate straw-man identity; which they own through the birth certificate, and which tricks you to live your life "in the name of" a corporate (from corpus; corpse) dead legal entity. That's all under maritime admiralty law (piracy laws); which operate underneath common law; which operate underneath the laws of men; which operates underneath the laws of nature.
They only tell us about false idols; not that the act of believing aka mentally holding onto assumptions, contradicts the reality of motion; which makes all beliefs idolatry; including all languages...including our ego; the inner monologue; formed by language based assumptions of reality; which is tempting us nonstop to ignore motion for assumption aka that which is for that which was (memory) or could be.
Everyone makes judgements. It's part of life. Do you not "judge" where you pass your bowels?
What if choice of action isn't judgment (conflict between agreeing and disagreeing aka reason); but individual responsibility over self; which leads to consequences of actions representing collective responsibility for ALL?
When you comprehend that you only have two choices...adherence to self sustenance (need) or ignorance thereof (want), then you should comprehend that ignorance isn't disagreement with reality; but self destructive ignorance to adhere to the sustenance of self.
Nature doesn't judge us; it sues both our choices within the function of self sustenance. Motion creates energy (recharge based on our adherence to self sustenance); energy creates motion (loss of potentiality; which the individual ignorance of potential feeds into). Both choices are needed to establish balance within motion aka momentum aka the ever changing moment we exist in.
"offer information in ignorance of inspiration"...Yo, dawg. What the fuck are talking about?
"Grass"...nature does not brand it as such; and yet all lifeforms (within range) can perceive what it communicates. The looks, smell, taste, sound; feel of it and how it interacts with everything else is what we all perceive...this is inspiration, that when adapted to builds ONEs comprehension (potential) of ALL perceived (potentiality).
"Grass" as we brand it becomes information that requires suggestion in exchange for consent by free will of chocie to believe the offered suggestion by another ONE..."this is grass" causes "I believe/don't believe you"; which causes "This is grass...no, this is hay...no, this is food...no, this a toilet for dogs etc." aka the conflict of reason; causes by consent to beleif in fiction (suggested idols/fiction in ignorance of motion/reality).
ALL offers inspiration to each ONE; only another ONE can suggest information.
Inspiration demands adaptation; based on need for self sustenance; information demands consent to belief; based on want aka temptation luring towards death.
Nature does not require beliefs; beliefs ignore nature/motion/reality. True/false are not natural states; they represents a fiction in ignorance of reality (motion).
Again...need over want; inspiration over information and implication (if/then) over reason (true vs false). Try to disprove it for yourself and acknowledge how your beliefs will prevent you from doing so...your free will of choice holds these beliefs in place to restrict your comprehension. Believing/not believing me will not help you out of this. It's your choice of action as ONE within ALL.
I represents both inspiration and information (temptation) to you...you choose how to act upon it.
I simply adapt to the inspiration of 'All'; while resisting to consent to any suggested division. It is usually others who want to tell me where I posted; while I don't even read usernames (idolatry); or vote (pass judgements); or start threads (offer information in ignorance of inspiration).
Want or don't want are both defined by suggested want aka the ignorance of need. Example "vaccine"...doesn't matter if you want or don't want it; you are trapped in a conflict of reason with the otehr side within the same suggested fiction. I rather not consent to that conflict and instead simply point out...VAC'CINE, adjective [Latin vaccinus, from vacca, a cow.]; which I guess makes me a shill for free will of choice? then again...SHILL, verb transitive - "to put under cover"...it's not like I'm hiding it.
Then you misunderstood. There is no "division" it's a growth.
Lol, no
Everyone makes judgements. It's part of life. Do you not "judge" where you pass your bowels?
Yo, dawg. What the fuck are talking about?
What if the foundation for both growth/corruption is motion; which defines the balance of choice in-between? That choice represents ONEs few will of choice within ALL, and so whenever ONE consents to a suggestion by another ONE, he ignores adherence to ALL.
Within motion ONE only has two choices...sustaining self by adhering to ALL in motion (reality); or ignoring to do so by consenting to the suggested beliefs (fiction) from other ONEs.
While motion both grows and corrupts those within; ONEs choice of action need to be in adherence to the rules of motion (ALL) to sustain growth within self; while believing the suggestion of others causes corruption of self.
In short...suggestion requires consent by beleif; belief causes conflict of reason (truth vs false). The few control the many by division through suggestion, and they do so in exchange for consent by free will of choice from the many...who thanks to their choice of ignorance don't comprehend this, because belief (affixed) restricts comprehension of perceived motion.
Nature does not use names; brands; idols to communicate information; what you perceive through your senses represents inspiration through the consequences of actions in motion. You perceive change; which inspires you to act; to adapt to it; which when chosen to adhered to builds your comprehension of what the perceived means.
On here; within digital suggested fiction; they offer avatars to mimic identity; voting to mimic choice; emoticons to mimic emotions; instant messaging to mimic adaptation, communities to mimic unity, choice of information to mimic perception; audio and video to mimic senses; guidelines to mimic authority and so on.
That's all under the umbrella of transhumanism; which aims to exchange the 1 (natural reality) with the 0 (digital controlled fiction) by means of suggestion to corrupt our comprehension.
Within reality you are ONE within ALL under the laws of nature; but they tricked you to believe that you are the name your parents gave you; which for the few who control the many, represents a corporate straw-man identity; which they own through the birth certificate, and which tricks you to live your life "in the name of" a corporate (from corpus; corpse) dead legal entity. That's all under maritime admiralty law (piracy laws); which operate underneath common law; which operate underneath the laws of men; which operates underneath the laws of nature.
They only tell us about false idols; not that the act of believing aka mentally holding onto assumptions, contradicts the reality of motion; which makes all beliefs idolatry; including all languages...including our ego; the inner monologue; formed by language based assumptions of reality; which is tempting us nonstop to ignore motion for assumption aka that which is for that which was (memory) or could be.
What if choice of action isn't judgment (conflict between agreeing and disagreeing aka reason); but individual responsibility over self; which leads to consequences of actions representing collective responsibility for ALL?
When you comprehend that you only have two choices...adherence to self sustenance (need) or ignorance thereof (want), then you should comprehend that ignorance isn't disagreement with reality; but self destructive ignorance to adhere to the sustenance of self.
Nature doesn't judge us; it sues both our choices within the function of self sustenance. Motion creates energy (recharge based on our adherence to self sustenance); energy creates motion (loss of potentiality; which the individual ignorance of potential feeds into). Both choices are needed to establish balance within motion aka momentum aka the ever changing moment we exist in.
"Grass"...nature does not brand it as such; and yet all lifeforms (within range) can perceive what it communicates. The looks, smell, taste, sound; feel of it and how it interacts with everything else is what we all perceive...this is inspiration, that when adapted to builds ONEs comprehension (potential) of ALL perceived (potentiality).
"Grass" as we brand it becomes information that requires suggestion in exchange for consent by free will of chocie to believe the offered suggestion by another ONE..."this is grass" causes "I believe/don't believe you"; which causes "This is grass...no, this is hay...no, this is food...no, this a toilet for dogs etc." aka the conflict of reason; causes by consent to beleif in fiction (suggested idols/fiction in ignorance of motion/reality).
ALL offers inspiration to each ONE; only another ONE can suggest information.
Inspiration demands adaptation; based on need for self sustenance; information demands consent to belief; based on want aka temptation luring towards death.
Nature does not require beliefs; beliefs ignore nature/motion/reality. True/false are not natural states; they represents a fiction in ignorance of reality (motion).
Again...need over want; inspiration over information and implication (if/then) over reason (true vs false). Try to disprove it for yourself and acknowledge how your beliefs will prevent you from doing so...your free will of choice holds these beliefs in place to restrict your comprehension. Believing/not believing me will not help you out of this. It's your choice of action as ONE within ALL.
I represents both inspiration and information (temptation) to you...you choose how to act upon it.