Ignorance is not an excuse for Murder. The Information is all available, and even prominent.. the Nurses choose not to look, because they are too comfortable with their position of power, and gibs. Only Nescience would be an excuse. That, they are not.
It is not ignorance, it is deliberate. What you are seeing is the Mice Utopia in action.
Within one year, it will likely surpass the real death toll of Covaids, and after that, it will lead to a drop in Population by at least 25% with its Infertility properties.
It is not the vaccines. Watch what exactly happens in 2050. Isolation leading to humanity "evolving" into cannibal killers who cannot sustain themselves without blood and torture.
The fight is only getting started, if we lose we will drop into 50+ years of a Totalitarian Medical tyranny, but when we are victorious, we will push the Poisoners back 200 years.
No, if we lose, we regress into wild animals and wipe ourselves out and become replaced by GMO Beautiful Ones in a span of 30 years or less. Nothing less than that. And the fact is there are no signs of us winning against them bar wishful thinking. The standard argument of being prideful to die fighting a tyranny does not work, because the consequences are written on the wall.
"The civilized man will drop the moral code and eat their own."
It is not ignorance, it is deliberate. What you are seeing is the Mice Utopia in action.
It is not the vaccines. Watch what exactly happens in 2050. Isolation leading to humanity "evolving" into cannibal killers who cannot sustain themselves without blood and torture.
No, if we lose, we regress into wild animals and wipe ourselves out and become replaced by GMO Beautiful Ones in a span of 30 years or less. Nothing less than that. And the fact is there are no signs of us winning against them bar wishful thinking. The standard argument of being prideful to die fighting a tyranny does not work, because the consequences are written on the wall.
"The civilized man will drop the moral code and eat their own."