We've all seen them, the frequency with which they post is unnatural. The shills have already wormed their way into the featured doc calling all germs and viruses "fAkE nEwS!".
Viruses lack a nucleus and mold spores don't form inside anything. It's all lies.
How did TD deal with government agents? Segregate them, pretty simple. Any posts that were "questioning" TD got relegated to "askTD". So, why can't we do something similar?
Make a flat earth sub where all the shills can duke it out with each other. Their retardation clutters actual conversation. They do not contribute. Spamming shitty youtube videos, not entering a submission statement, then brow beat everyone who asks questions about it "just watch it" or "just shove a flashlight up your ass on a beach at midnight, trust me"
TLDR; segregate flat earth Posts and require submission statement would do absolute wonders towards uncluttering this sub with government sponsored static.
We can't just ban everyone who uses combative rhetoric.
But I agree, this thread reeks something fierce.
I'm bringing on news mods as we speak to combat this behavior.
This is a free speech forum. We are not "cancelling" any topic, and OP should probably eat a bag of dicks.
why are the current mods not doing anything?
what happened to PLC?
I post nothing except dank shit that gets downed to hell. My list took more effort than any one post here and I'm glad if I can have a conversation.
All I do here is feed the trolls. I'm recognizing that. I don't want to.
You aren't exactly the caesar I thought when I followed you here. Like you said, you're just some guy. I put too much on you. I got nothing but love for you.
And I'm going to keep explaining that bluebeam is recycled star trek scripts, because it is.
Because you’re a moron and no one agrees with you.
That’s why you gotta create accounts to upvote yourself for self validation. A true lonely loser
Ad hominem. You can't discuss things openly
Show some photo evidence of the curve that’s not cgi or fish eye lens? What’s that you can’t? Thought so run along faggot