Do you actually believe the earth is flat and space doesn't exist or is someone just paying you to come here and poison the well to make all people who question official narratives look like crazy cultists?
Not that you'll ever admit it if you are, but maybe others will stop playing your game if they stop and ask this question.
IMO you're either here to dilute real research or you're the willing target of those who are.
Honest question...
Do you actually believe the earth is flat and space doesn't exist or is someone just paying you to come here and poison the well to make all people who question official narratives look like crazy cultists?
Not that you'll ever admit it if you are, but maybe others will stop playing your game if they stop and ask this question.
IMO you're either here to dilute real research or you're the willing target of those who are.
I feel sad for the Flatearthtards.
If someone was paying him he would be stupid to admit it.
shutup faggot
go fuck yourself pizza shill