ADOPT', verb transitive (Latin adopto, of ad and opto, to desire or choose). Desire represents a temptation luring towards death like all temptations, but notice the mentioning of choice...if temptation equals choice of want; what equals choice of need?
Let me give you a little help...want equals temptation equals death or need equals ... equals life. What could it be?
Friendly reminder that the marriage LI'CENSE, noun [Latin licentia, from liceo, to be permitted.] set that into motion, and has been corrupting every aspect of the balance (procreation) between the natural opposites (female/male) ever since they consented to bind their unity with a ring (jew-elry), while ignoring that balance (procreation) leads to a family unit aka the real unity.
I watched, we're losing then.
maybe it's cuz I'm older now but just give those kids up for adoption and have some new ones those are broke
ADOPT', verb transitive (Latin adopto, of ad and opto, to desire or choose). Desire represents a temptation luring towards death like all temptations, but notice the mentioning of choice...if temptation equals choice of want; what equals choice of need?
Let me give you a little help...want equals temptation equals death or need equals ... equals life. What could it be?
Bad bot.
Friendly reminder that the marriage LI'CENSE, noun [Latin licentia, from liceo, to be permitted.] set that into motion, and has been corrupting every aspect of the balance (procreation) between the natural opposites (female/male) ever since they consented to bind their unity with a ring (jew-elry), while ignoring that balance (procreation) leads to a family unit aka the real unity.
I think kids transitioning isn't a great idea, but let's use some actual facts here.
The father broke a court gag order on the trial, which many trials have, and is being held in contempt of court.
He's not being charged with "opposing transition" as so many fucking articles love to spin.
Be accurate.