I got into a heated debate with my globetard landlords (parents) last night and they stumped me pretty bad.
They asked my why at 8 o’clock pm on the east coast of America it’s dark, and it’s bright and sunny on the west coast at that very moment. If the earth is flat and the “sun” is directly above us at all times, shouldn’t the east coast still be able to see it when it’s sunny on the west? What do I say? You guys are smart and have all the answers. Please help!
N8, ur b8 isn’t gr8, its gtng L8, no deb8, off to bed ingr8.
Rofl hey look another faggot with an alt to manipulate votes. I wonder if your intentions are genuine...kek
Nah, you’re just that disliked.
Really shouldn’t be news to you.
I don’t know how to take that, coming from you, lmao