Marxism was and is reterded idea claiming profit is from exploitation of workers when it is really effect of difference between usability value linked to demand and value being result of use resources having value (workforce,energy etc).
Marx not include in his stupid theory of value any technical progress and as one of the the results using his theory gives no impulse to technical progress sentencing every society following marxist idea to technical backwardness.The fact is - all marxist "progressives" are really regressive idiots ruining every society they infect.
I would like to see a Complete Separation of State and Economy
That is impossible.
Making corruption minimal is possible by direct democracy.
Probably also idea of Athenian ostracism shall be reinvented.Or negative electoral vote being it eqivalent. If you would call today "representative democracies" democracies to Ancient greeks you would be laughed at. Or stoned to death.
And most impotrant thing - strong anti-corruption policies with death sentence for corrupted official and complete forfeiture of his/her property and his/her family.
In fact being government official in Athenian democracy wasn't profitable and safe thing due to εισαγγελία (reporting,denounciation).Also one a month all government officials were complete citizens review about "performing functions properly". In Athenian democracy there were full financial disclousures,and reporting expenses by the officials - with every citizen capable to sue official.
There were also other pillar of Athenian democracy called γραφὴ παρανόμων being equivalent of reporting unconstitutional law
Of course there would be too problem with forcing richest companies to pay their part or found their part of infrastructure at least and fighting parasite companies who profit at the cost of the state and its society.
u/RightSideFunding u/Zapowerz u/Mad_Kong_Kalak
Marxism was and is reterded idea claiming profit is from exploitation of workers when it is really effect of difference between usability value linked to demand and value being result of use resources having value (workforce,energy etc).
Marx not include in his stupid theory of value any technical progress and as one of the the results using his theory gives no impulse to technical progress sentencing every society following marxist idea to technical backwardness.The fact is - all marxist "progressives" are really regressive idiots ruining every society they infect.
That is impossible.
Making corruption minimal is possible by direct democracy.
Probably also idea of Athenian ostracism shall be reinvented.Or negative electoral vote being it eqivalent. If you would call today "representative democracies" democracies to Ancient greeks you would be laughed at. Or stoned to death.
And most impotrant thing - strong anti-corruption policies with death sentence for corrupted official and complete forfeiture of his/her property and his/her family. In fact being government official in Athenian democracy wasn't profitable and safe thing due to εισαγγελία (reporting,denounciation).Also one a month all government officials were complete citizens review about "performing functions properly". In Athenian democracy there were full financial disclousures,and reporting expenses by the officials - with every citizen capable to sue official.
There were also other pillar of Athenian democracy called γραφὴ παρανόμων being equivalent of reporting unconstitutional law
Of course there would be too problem with forcing richest companies to pay their part or found their part of infrastructure at least and fighting parasite companies who profit at the cost of the state and its society.