Boris Johnson to make protests that cause 'annoyance' illegal, with prison sentences of up to 10 years
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Nation means "the people" there any nation controlled by its people? Nope, because the few in control are rootless internationalists. Nations are fiction; idols defined by the few to fool the many into endlessly dividing themselves through conflicts of reason.
It is the fanatical believe (consent by free will) to a "nation" ;a "race"; a "flag, which allows the few to simply redefine the meanings of those idols, while the fanatical believers will endlessly reason about what's truth and what's false.
Meanwhile in reality...a habitat represents collective adherence to self sustenance; not under an idol (nation; race, flag; religion; money) but in adherence to natural law (defined by motion).
Adherence to need (self sustenance of life) over wants (temptations luring towards death) is what creates unity with other ONEs who also adhere to need over want. Our ignorance of these fundamentals is what created; what maintains and what inspires the few parasites to ruthlessly exploit it against all of us.
Within motion...the consequences of ONEs action represent the ever changing circumstance all other ONEs need to adapt to. Adaptation to inspiration within motion represents the "business" of every ONE, which is why the few offer us nations to divide us into conflicts, so that we don't comprehend coexistence within ALL.
It's as if the one world government (((united nations))) is already in place, and the deconstruction of the old governments has to be propagated to the ignorant slaves without allowing too much comprehension about them being slaves. Once again a (new) order out of chaos; build by the ignorance of the many, for the few and to their own detriment as usual.
"Fightin' fire with fire...burning down the house" ~Tom Jones. Catchy propaganda..meanwhile in reality motion dictates direction (from beginning towards end) and revolt means "to turn", which therefore represents ONEs ignorance of motion.
And since I'm at Tom Jones: "Three hundred sixty-five degrees... Burning down the house" translates to 36 (9) 65 (11)....9/11...burning down the house. "People on their way to work, baby what did you expect, Gonna burst into flame"
There it is; the reaffirmation for order out of chaos. Guess what? if you kill the few who control the ignorant many; then you need to control the ignorant; selfish; self destructive many, which then...tada...makes you the few.
The internet proves that the many choose to ignore ALL as long as it allows them to shirk responsibility for themselves onto others, which means if you become the few; you still need to use suggestion and force to control the self destructive ignorance of the many.
Our problem isn't with the so called jews harvesting mankind for their ignored power over self; it's the temptation of selfish ignorance within each ONE of us. Conflict is what allows the many to blame others aka to keep shirking responsibility over self.
The few represents a symptom of the weakness within the many...selfish ignorance. They represent our inspiration to change ourselves by ONEself.
What the "oppressed" want is more oppression, because a want set into motion corrupts into more want. They are oppressed because they want representation over self within others, which in return corrupts those others into an imbalance of power (the few controlling the many), which then inspires the few to keep exploiting the many, by the sheer selfish ignorance towards self sustenance of the many.
Every ONE complains about others; next to no ONE adheres to self...that represents control for the few over the many. The few use beliefs to divide the many so that they can offer the opposite side of all those conflicts as the boogeyman for the other side, while also utilizing talmudic reasoning to keep the conflicts going by injection of contradiction to both sides of the conflicts of reason.