Inception to death equals...motion, which generates what? Energy, and what generates motion? Energy does. Together they form a self sustaining ecosystem.
Magic? MAG'IC, noun [Latin magia] - "the secret operations of natural causes"...magic indeed!
We've used up half the worlds energy
Suggested loss to generate fear.
we need new energy technology
Nothing new under the sun, but suggesting wants as needs, motivates the many to use their power to create for the few, who control what the many create.
guess we'll have to go Nuclear once again
NU'CLEUS, noun [Latin a nut.]...nutjobs; all of them.
Magic energy from ??? somewhere
Inception to death equals...motion, which generates what? Energy, and what generates motion? Energy does. Together they form a self sustaining ecosystem.
Magic? MAG'IC, noun [Latin magia] - "the secret operations of natural causes"...magic indeed!
We've used up half the worlds energy
Suggested loss to generate fear.
we need new energy technology
Nothing new under the sun, but suggesting wants as needs, motivates the many to use their power to create for the few, who control what the many create.
guess we'll have to go Nuclear once again
NU'CLEUS, noun [Latin a nut.]...nutjobs; all of them.