Officially owners of Russia's Central Bank is unknown. Even type of ownership of Russia's Central Bank is unknown. You could easily check it by Central Bank of Russia tax number - 7702235133. Central Bank of Russia is independent entity by law, no Russia's authority could order anything to Central Bank. However, by internal instructions of Central Bank it have to obey all IMF orders.
There is no any information on the owners of Central Bank of Russia. This makes it highly suspicious entity.
Who owns Russia's Central Bank?
Hint: A family which starts with R.
Gotta laugh...
Officially owners of Russia's Central Bank is unknown. Even type of ownership of Russia's Central Bank is unknown. You could easily check it by Central Bank of Russia tax number - 7702235133. Central Bank of Russia is independent entity by law, no Russia's authority could order anything to Central Bank. However, by internal instructions of Central Bank it have to obey all IMF orders.
There is no any information on the owners of Central Bank of Russia. This makes it highly suspicious entity.
Exactly. And we all know who Mr IMF is.
The Rothschilds don't own Russia's Central Bank.
putin does
Rothschild = red shield
How long have they had that name? Makes you wonder how long their ritualistic sacrifice has been planned
Tits or it never happened