"“There’s nothing you can do other than treat the symptom, so for a real cough medicine, not the crap over-the-counter and then like an inhaler, and some antibiotics to fight the pneumonia and strap the fuck in.”"
What a sad, misinformed, brainwashed citizen.
Buy the Ziverdo kit from India or replicate yourself by buying a deworming couse for your pet (same Ivermectin, just adjust dosage)
Take 10 000 IU vitamin D3 / day
Get plenty of sunshine
If you are overweight , hyperinsulinemic or diabetic, get your diet in control (changes in 2 weeks in metabolism)
If you already have bleeding disorder: then use IL-6 inhibitors and/or corticosteroids and if you don't have access to those, use Vitamin K.
Just goes to show that even though you are a millionaire and can buy ANY goddamn medical treatment in the world, that still doesn't mean you know shit.
What a sad, misinformed, brainwashed citizen.
Buy the Ziverdo kit from India or replicate yourself by buying a deworming couse for your pet (same Ivermectin, just adjust dosage)
Take 10 000 IU vitamin D3 / day
Get plenty of sunshine
If you are overweight , hyperinsulinemic or diabetic, get your diet in control (changes in 2 weeks in metabolism)
If you are already SICK and have trouble breathing, then nebulize a DILUTED peroxide solution: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/09/13/how-to-nebulize-hydrogen-peroxide.aspx
If you already have bleeding disorder: then use IL-6 inhibitors and/or corticosteroids and if you don't have access to those, use Vitamin K.
Just goes to show that even though you are a millionaire and can buy ANY goddamn medical treatment in the world, that still doesn't mean you know shit.