These people seem like they have altered brains.
I wonder if the flu shot, or some other injection, is rewiring people in some way that breaks their bullshit detectors and causes them to need to be told by 'experts' & 'authorities' what's real and what's not.
ie, they have like zero ability to assess a situation or their surroundings and draw their own conclusions.
I don't think you need stuff like drugs/injections to do it. Just stunt them while they grow, feed them endless brain damaging entertainment and never give them an opportunity to grow/think for themselves, or cultivate that mindset to distrust/question everything. By constantly hammering a generation for their entire lives that "if you believe X you're one of the good guys!" and then reinforcing that thorough media and public opinions, you'll get a majority of brain-dead people.
What's fascinating to me is how well integrated into society these folks are. They have jobs, a mortgage, drive in cars, travel, etc. But they seem to lack all common sense, and believe 100% whatever the machine tells them.
Doesn't common sense imply that this is a common practice, where as wearing two masks is not something ever seen in history? Aren't the people who wear 2 masks, just wearing fashionable masks over medical masks for their looks?
Is Biden being attacked for not following this experts advice? His press sec hasn't been wearing one, he hasn't been wearing one and they've told people that he has bigger things to worry about than remembering to put on a mask.
These people seem like they have altered brains.
I wonder if the flu shot, or some other injection, is rewiring people in some way that breaks their bullshit detectors and causes them to need to be told by 'experts' & 'authorities' what's real and what's not.
ie, they have like zero ability to assess a situation or their surroundings and draw their own conclusions.
I don't think you need stuff like drugs/injections to do it. Just stunt them while they grow, feed them endless brain damaging entertainment and never give them an opportunity to grow/think for themselves, or cultivate that mindset to distrust/question everything. By constantly hammering a generation for their entire lives that "if you believe X you're one of the good guys!" and then reinforcing that thorough media and public opinions, you'll get a majority of brain-dead people.
What's fascinating to me is how well integrated into society these folks are. They have jobs, a mortgage, drive in cars, travel, etc. But they seem to lack all common sense, and believe 100% whatever the machine tells them.
Fluoride in the water and food.
Minimum 68 doses of vaccines containing brain destroying aluminum by age 18.
Pesticides in the water and food.
Soy and phyto-estrogens in food, water, and plastics.
Ridiculous propaganda in school curriculum, the re-writing of history, and a dumbing down to prevent critical thinking.
Processed food that causes inflammation and mercury dental fillings that lead to foggy thinking.
Manipulated social media and television.
And on... and on...
Doesn't most of your breath just escape around the sides of the mask?
Doesn't common sense imply that this is a common practice, where as wearing two masks is not something ever seen in history? Aren't the people who wear 2 masks, just wearing fashionable masks over medical masks for their looks?
Is Biden being attacked for not following this experts advice? His press sec hasn't been wearing one, he hasn't been wearing one and they've told people that he has bigger things to worry about than remembering to put on a mask.
"Why isn't the covid rate going down?"
Must be because people aren't wearing n+1 masks
Source: a study January 15 2021 by Monica Gandhi and Linsey Marr
What happened to the "spreads via farts" scare? I was eating lentils and beans for a week.