posted ago by Miztivin ago by Miztivin +16 / -1

Imagine if you will, that the ancient alien's, in it's aptly named theory, were actually a group of humans, dominating the world, opressing their own race.

Humans, with tech like today, hailing from an isolated area. Perhaps the island of Atlantis. Able to fly back to congergate at a whim, and fly out to their kingdomes to dominate lesser humans as gods and kings ruling in whatever manner their hearts desired.

Then, something big happens. Perhaps the great flood, it sinks Atlantis and with it, the elitist source of technology. Was it divine intervention? Was it betrayal?

Whatever it was, It scatteres the elitist, levels out the playing feilds. Humans are finally free, tho they didn't know it. They forget about the "magic." Only stories remain, glorifying gods of old.

Elitist however, kept knowledge of their golden age alive through secret societies. They worked hard to keep their bloodline clean. They worked hard to supress archeological discoveries of ancient technology and hide their dark secret.

In hopes that one day, they can force us back into the dark ages, on the premise of green energy. Where they can rule again from a technocratic authoritarian strong hold, only better and more advanced than before.

While our children's children, forget what tech truly was, how it works, and only know enough to operate it in awe.


Ha. Probably not true, but it was interesting to think about. Id be willing to bet this is a cabalist wet dream! Thats for certain.