babes... you are like to stupid to breath... they are actually cannibals... i live in a community of them and it is pure shit, no one does anything, every lives in fear, they shit and piss all over everything, no one up keeps anything, meanwhile they get everything for free food, medicine, school, everything... and you know what life is stooopid as shit here... ! wake the fuck up!
obviously the cannibals have you in some sort of voodoo trance;.. give them everything you have... go watch some fake hollywood show about how subsaharans are actually asians... babes you wouldn't last a day on my block, and i'm not proud of it!
babes... you are like to stupid to breath... they are actually cannibals... i live in a community of them and it is pure shit, no one does anything, every lives in fear, they shit and piss all over everything, no one up keeps anything, meanwhile they get everything for free food, medicine, school, everything... and you know what life is stooopid as shit here... ! wake the fuck up!
Cool story shill I bet they could convey their true thoughts better than you.
obviously the cannibals have you in some sort of voodoo trance;.. give them everything you have... go watch some fake hollywood show about how subsaharans are actually asians... babes you wouldn't last a day on my block, and i'm not proud of it!