George Webb is probably right about her laptop being taken by blackhats to cover up the evidence on it. That woman definitely doesn't look like a Trump supporter. She is probably most likely a pasty anyway given the ridiculous story about her selling it to Russian (seriously?)
Is that Blossom?
I believe her name is Patsy
Picture chick: gimme that 6 gorillian...
Barber: I gotchu fam...
shut up goyim!
George Webb is probably right about her laptop being taken by blackhats to cover up the evidence on it. That woman definitely doesn't look like a Trump supporter. She is probably most likely a pasty anyway given the ridiculous story about her selling it to Russian (seriously?)
What is Webb's angle on it?
Looks like a young RBG.
Looks like Bob Saget.
She doesn't look like special forces
I give you 20 rubles. Yes?
20 rubles, two potato, and one AK-49. Is deal.
She does look like she is from Israel. LOL. Israel's got Pelosi's computer.
Can someone link her onlyfrens site? I’m going in dry.
This is hilarious. You people bring Sartre's famous quote perfectly alive: "If the Jew did not exist, the anti-semite would have to invent him."
You arbitrarily decide that this woman is Jewish and then assign her a completely fictitious narrative to suit your prejudice. So pathetic.