Talking won't help, but the historical records have proven.
Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, Illuminati France, Communist China, 911, Obama transferring ICANN, Vietnam, Cambodia 1975 and soon...Covid-19.
Humanity has NEVER won a deception campaign before.
Any and all resistance or warnings are ignored or exterminated (if they are direct action movements).
I believe that humanity is going into a road of 30+ year permanent covid authoritarianism and there is no avoiding it; it is already fate.
As long as the truth of this incident remains an echo box, our fate is sealed. Remember 98% of humanity is out of the box. Nothing is visibly faltered despite all these talk.
No matter how many people warned a fraud in Germany or Russia during 1932 or 1905, nobody will ever listen.
We will not be an exception.
you have a believe, be it believing in something or believing in nothing
There's no such thing as "nothing"; ALL is information; ALL is energy; because ALL is within motion. All existence is finite, because it's defined by motion aka the movement from a beginning towards an end, which for us represents inception till death.
Try this...why is it that your inception and your death will always be out of your reach, but you have no problem comprehending them by the motion (life) you perceive within?
Again; try to question motion defining all of reality, by coming up with something that doesn't change?
you'll say something
And that is a problem, because nature communicates without words; brands; idols, but instead with the consequences of actions set into motion as inspiration to our senses.
If nature would define existence with brands as truths, then motion would disprove the brands by changing them into lies. Yet nature offers neither truth; not lies; just predefined information through motion. Once again...try to disprove it by coming up with an original thought. You can't, because ALL already exists; it's the ONEs within who lack comprehension about what it means.
"in the beginning was the word...". It wasn't, because there cannot be creation without inspiration from information. A word defines that which already is. When another one offers ones free will of choice; a word defining reality, and one consents by believing it, then the other one gains the means to act in the name of (In Nomine) what the "word" (the idol; the brand; the faith; the belief) means.
Offer meets consent represents a contract of belief; and once consented to; the one making the offer can change the terms and conditions of the contract. You are in contract with reality to uphold life over death; which you adhere to by breathing (SPIR'IT, noun (Latin spiritus, from spiro) - to breathe). That represents ONEs spirit contract with ALL.
Now let me add a modern example to this...what was the message of the George Floyd theater show? "I can't breath" leads to death. Afterwards they offered the world to "cover your nose and mouth". This is a mass consent ritual towards death over life...all based on exploiting the contract of belief.
Lastly; our inner monologue (the ego) is based on words as definitions of reality, which we uphold as beliefs. This represents a corruption of communication, because our consciousness is now restricted to adhere to the beliefs; instead of adapting to the constant change within nature. We are tricked to choose stagnation over adaptation, and our parasites are offering us the -isms to consent to.
I know is that the only real thing in this world
Yet it demands your consent; your faith; your belief, while everyone else also has the free will of choice to ignore; to not consent to it; to even believe endless contradictory beliefs, and someone all those believers and non-believers totally ignore that no other life-form holds beliefs.
That's the branding of the non-believer by those who offered the contract of belief to the believer. They offer a boogeyman to the ignorant believers, because ignorance is based on the temptation of selfishness, and selfishness is based on shirking responsibility over self onto others. One cannot blame oneself if one has another one to blame.
You are putting yourself into a blind spot and all others have to take the consequences for this, and as you might noticed I did not argue from a religious perspective, so there was no intent to offend behind it.
Ask yourself why 'motion defining existence' and 'creation demanding information' and the contradiction of 'truth within change' are out of your reasoning? Why talk about "conspiracies" when the obvious ones are right there?
This world is run by liars; which requires what? Believers. This world is run by parasites; which require what? A weakness within the host (selfishness). This world is run by the few, which requires what? Ignorance of the many towards...themselves.
This world isn't run by any ONE; it's within the motion of ALL information.