That's all. Don't be crushed within yourselves, don't surrender and don't give up.
Hope is a powerful thing- perhaps one of THE most powerful things, next to love. Why do you think our MSM and Establishment are struggling and grappling to deprive you of Hope?
Don't let the enemy into your hearts, don't allow yourselves to be broken.
Let's see this through to the end. Hold the fucking Line.
Deepstate? Trump? Never. Just that fact that he had the trade war with China, built the wall, and stopped a lot of the illegal immigration proves he's not deep state. Deepstate is all about Chinese $ and white replacement through immigration.
They may be threatening his family. I could see him just sticking his efforts to exposing the election fraud. Honestly, I'd be fine with that, as it may lead the GOP to get serious about voter ID laws.
He built 40 miles of wall for fucks sake. Don’t hurt yourself with mental gymnastics over the next week. I’m hoping for the best but bracing for the worst, one would be insane not to imo
I watched him yesterday at his press conference, there is 450 miles of wall, not necessary in mountains or other areas. Did he make Mexico pay for it? No. Did he deport the illegals? No. But he build a wall, and made Mexico enforce the border to keep the South Americans out (they want to sole right cross at will). I give him credit for that.
(edit for grammar)
Sorry I dropped a zero, but regardless, the southern border is like 5000+miles
eh, good point. How much of that needs a border wall but won't get one because at 12:01 on the 20th of Jan they will be ordered to stop construction. It is true that natural barriers also act like one. That I'd like to know.