Its honestly beautiful. where are the black people screaming abolish the police!
Who even is George floyed... oh that dude that got choked by the cops?
Well that was like two month ago, forget about it, the current story of this book is - evil white people attacking the capitol! Can you believe, they actually killed a cop!
All prayers go to that cop, i love police... who cares about George being choked, that was in the past. (black people now)
People joke about the Press having the power to mind control the public opinion, but its not a joke. If they wanted, the next month you would hate YOURSELF because of pollution and different climate change things.
The only way to understand how the brainwashing system works, is to question EVERYTHING, that ability to question things is being suppressed really hard in 2000+ ... you question holocaust - banned. You question 9/11 ? Banned. You question vaccines - Banned, you question masks - banned.
Remember one of the most important truths of mankind, every scientists of the past invented or discovered everything we know today, by ASKING QUESTIONS.
If you DONT ASK, but simply TRUST, then you are going against the fundamental principle of knowledge, which is exactly what the mockinbird wants. And im not even american, its really fascinating to see this unfold.
Idk but black people, antifa, BLM and the "abolish police" faction are going to be super disappointed when it turns out that Biden doesn't actually give a shit about them or their causes.
They'll try to take to the streets again to "protest" but will soon learn that Biden, as corrupt as he is, won't tolerate any riots under his watch. He will crack down on them with an iron fist. Why? Because they've served their purpose and Trump won't be around to pin the blame on.
IMO if the trend continues, the media will continue to support Biden and hide any atrocity he commits against his former minions.
No...they will topple the white house.