posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +15 / -12

And then make a very public boycott of them.

If we start with just one advertiser, and focus all our efforts on them, it may be more effective than spreading our efforts among all advertisers.

Remember the Stop Beck and Stop Rush campaigns?

How about Stop Twitter?

Companies want good publicity, not bad publicity. Smart companies try to avoid controversy, or alienating half of their potential customers.

We should look at companies that make big ticket items, so that Trump haters can’t do a buy-cott to counter the boycott

Chick-fil-A boycott failed because conservatives lined up to buy sandwiches every day, and it was cheap and painless, because they had to eat every day anyway.

But if we boycott things like cars or TVs, they wont be able to make up those lost sales by having Trump haters buy a new TV every day that they don’t need