posted ago by cautiousaardvark ago by cautiousaardvark +16 / -11

Take a step back... Really - I mean disconnect yourself from the raw feelings of the last 12 months to 4 years. Trump appears to have pushed people's buttons and posts and video's were all getting removed from social media across the internet. MAGA - racist and so on. But it's deeper - more insidious than that. Look at the connections between republicans and depravity the corporations/DNC/Silicon Valley/left leaning groups have made outside of "Trump is evil." Think back to the comments about abortion, transsexual identification, personal responsibility, work ethic right wing people have made. Do you remember seeing the replies about being "Nazis", "Hateful people", "Racists", "Homophobes" and so on? It's steadily moved from further right views to more moderate ones over the last few years. I've seen it. Now with Silicon Valley, and the moderators they use moving to remove all those on the right due to "hateful content", and due to the "right" views that are more centerist becoming "hateful" too, the entire political opposition is now being removed from news in a positive light, and prevented from sharing views on social media. Now - extrapolate and analyse... the current "establishment" aren't really "left" they're big business, pro war, American hegemony in the world, a strong Cabal that answer to no others. Remember the news articles, Mrs Clinton saying "I have a public voice, and a private (business) voice.", Mr Obama droning the fuck out of everywhere. Hell, even Mr Bush liked his wars. So we can see the left side and some of the right for that matter (most of the right?) are leaders that put on the makeup of care - when it's just a sham. Their opposition has at first been silenced for ideas and beliefs people can see as hateful... "A man is always a man..." and so on.... but these mechanisms for silencing opposition will be spreading to ANY form of opposition in the future - under the guise of hate and such motivations to make it palatable to the public. I can see in 2025 any "thought leaders" opposition to the establishment will be silenced hard. The public has had that happen - remember when news companies added comment sections, and then they all removed them? We lost our voices in news media then. One day we'll wake up and the ONLY media we will see will be just like that controlled by the CCP. It will be the DNC news... everywhere. The DNC won't be "left" at that point, they'll hide behind that banner, sure.... but they'll be as corrupt as the war profiteers on the right. One huge social media platform, perfectly orchestrated providing government sanctioned news and "thought leaders". The scary part? People will be unaware of this. There'll be arguments within the media and groups about policy and ideas, but it will all be "safe" for the ONE government. Any real second political group to replace the Republicans will meet a media wall of shit throwing. People will be ignorant and say "A good job the (one) government is doing so well! Look at the shit that keeps appearing as alternatives!" And that's how a single American government takes its position - forever. TL;DR: Far right censorship taught social media and the government how to silence people on social media in "acceptable ways". It's steadily broadening what is "unacceptable".... into anything the DNC (and many parts of the republican party) don't like. The DNC and RINO's will eventually be the "Only acceptable government" and all possibility of moderating their plans will be impossible - because people will be shown there is no other acceptable choice to vote for.

The American people therefore will one day wake up under the loving care of The One Government. (Just like China does now)