posted ago by Jammyjams ago by Jammyjams +12 / -3

What is the difference between now and times like 9/11? I had to explain this to people who are just waking up now. The difference is this time, it is going to come and individually crack you in the mouth. I think a lot of us are already there with the economy, lost jobs, loss of livelihood. I think a lot of us aware that things are going to start heating up soon. Stolen election, the vaccine rollout, the "new Covid" right in time... How fucking stupid do they think we are? How convenient... I don't know how the hell people trust this horseshit, it is way too obvious this is a scam. Either way, there will come a time where they will completely come in and try to make you do something. Whether it is the vaccine, covid pass, etc to try to require you to comply. If they come in and knock on your door, are you going down with the ship? If you're hungry, will you crack? If your kids are screaming in hunger pains, are you prepared? This is what I'm talking about. The games have just begun. Hunger has always been used to control populations. Unless if Trump is that guy trying to destroy this satanic agenda and wins, things like this will happen. What are you prepared to do? Curious to hear what you guys plan to do, because I think I need to adjust my plan accordingly.