I woke up to the top post on our old subreddit being some shitty Twitter screenshot from some dude who doesn't know how to spell who was sharing blatantly false information in another top post the other day. The third top post is another shitty Twitter screenshot from some rando who doesn't know how to spell.
While the sentiment of those tweets (questioning covid) is fine. It's just another example of the degradation of the content shared on the old subreddit. I hope this one can flourish and blossom into what /r/conspiracy used to be.
Thanks for making this, if nothing else, as a backup for when the hammer eventually comes down.
Ministry of truth thinks it can stop the tsunami of revelations, not anymore.
Reddit's been compromised for a long, long time.
No limits here though.
there's a difference (IMO) between questioning Israeli policy (plenty of valid criticisms) and saying we should finish what hitler started. The banned posts/reports from what I've seen lean to the latter half of that scale.
I'm not gonna make any claims, but seeing the way the world covers Trump sort of makes you rethink whether or not hitler was accurately represented by the media in the past and present.
Exactly. I do not like the Israeli government at all and people think I'm Hitler incarnate.
Not saying there aren’t issues there, but did you ever wonder why Reddit didn’t ban you for posts like that?
No he didn't because he's a retarded faggot lmfao
Why don't you actually participate instead of going by what "you hear". I've been on thedonald.win for a very long time and unless you're being an OTT jerk, that's not the case.
There are a lot of people who try to make that the case. True. A lot of others who have no problem with calling out any bad actor(s).
I just want to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions, and then think for myself. Reddit made that impossible.
The only thing I use Reddit for anymore is SpaceX, Highstrangeness, alien/ufo type subs, and some Dnd stuff, I have firearms/gunporn/gundeals still there but I can't wait for them to jump over.
Check weekendgunnit.win for yeety skeety
Yeah, it's there, but it isn't quite the same as /r/firearms.
Love the username.