xolotltlaloc 2 points ago +2 / -0

The allegation is he turned it off on them.


The allegation is that refusing to comply with a request to activate Starlink within Crimea - at the request of Ukraine officials - bypassing US Officials -- is somehow "criminal".

That this "too much power in the hands of one individual" is absolute nonsense.

The correct response from the Federal government should be:

  • "Brring brriing!! Hi Elon, this is the Pentagon. We would like to order a Starlink network, please. Let's get this done ASAP - like we know you can! Thanks a bunch for being a US Citizen - you ROOOOOCK!"
xolotltlaloc 3 points ago +3 / -0

OK so basically Zelenskyy (why why?) completely by-passed the Biden Administration (officially†), and otherwise attempted to hijack strategic US industry for acts of war.

And the Pentagon is pissed at Elon ??! lollll


† Biden probably ordered Zelenskyy to contact Elon directly - because Zelenskyy is a puppet - and it must never be officially known the the Biden Administration is pressuring private industry (CNN, facebook, old-Twitter, etc.) like the Fascist regime it is.

xolotltlaloc 3 points ago +4 / -1

...ps. this is all in reference to the neo nazi demonstration, where one of the guys admitted he liked Biden better than Trump - lol!!!

Can you imagine?!

A "right wing, white supremacist" prefers Biden over Trump.


xolotltlaloc 3 points ago +3 / -0

investigate "refraction"

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

When they get caught,

agreed - it's a "when" not an "if" ...they will be caught.

they are just gonna say it was for the good of the planet.

of course. criminals usually deny their wrong-doing(s).

to be expected.

xolotltlaloc 7 points ago +7 / -0

Does anyone remember when they changed the laws of physics to enable this to be safe?

Another great post from Steve Kirsch x.com/@stkirsch

More to the point: here is a great example of how the government errors on the side of "FEAR!!!!!" to keep the herd in control.


xolotltlaloc 2 points ago +2 / -0

This Shows Back & Forth And Back & Forth Flight Paths That Would Be Used For Deploying Chemicals Into the Air For Weather Manipulation

Chemtrails not contrails.

xolotltlaloc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had no idea the Freemasons were just an MLM cult started by the Rothchilds.

talk about a #pyramid scam :D

xolotltlaloc 2 points ago +3 / -1

... he is literally telling her to find advertisers that want to promote on her brand.

so the revenue share isn't a common pool distributed applicably based on traffic. there is another factor. seems like twitter allows advertisers to selectively not support specific content providers.

if you had a company advertising on Twitter, would you want your ads to show up on tweet about "Gender Affirming Care" bullshit? Same thing, but in reverse

i want transparency.

who's the pussy company that won't support loomer?

xolotltlaloc 0 points ago +1 / -1

On the one hand, I support private enterprise, and the right of private companies to make their own decision(s).

e.g., i feel like a bakery should not be forced to serve a gay couple, for example. #disgression

On the other hand, given the unusually influential position of X.com, as the "townsquare" (so to speak) -- of the world, mind you... lol... in practice, this just feels like fascist suppression of speech.

"slippery slope" ...also comes to mind.

Interesting approach, though...

i.e., they won't censor† you, but they will allow private enterprise to choose to not participate in the funding of your speech.

again... on paper it looks clean but it just feels off. am i wrong? :D

† they will censor you obviously, if you threaten to murder someone - they will suspend your account and censor your speech - fair, i say - so let's be real... x.com will censor you - as i believe they should be able to - as a private enterprise. maybe more accurate to say they strive to not censor you for political opinion. i'm guessing.

xolotltlaloc 6 points ago +7 / -1

Twitter monetization is a trial run for western social credit score.

Find alternatives to twitter - it's not the free speech platform Musk promised. #baitandsiwtch ...comes to mind.

xolotltlaloc 2 points ago +2 / -0

hahahahaha.... so... are you saying we live in a 2D universe?

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

...or lightening;

...or electric arches from downed-power lines.

xolotltlaloc 2 points ago +2 / -0

when you say "flat" do you mean 2D or 3D ?

spoiler: 3D


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