xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's obvious.

To some. Most have NOT A FUCKING CLUE!

Meant to be so.

Disagree - just stupid and sloppy.

Revelation of the method.

Am unfamiliar with that phrase - sounds interesting - meaning?

Game run out of qatar.

The game will be run out of whatever nation that they want to extort.

"Give us money, oil, or we will bomb your cities for harboring terrorists."

It's the oldest racket in history - "protection".

xolotltlaloc 2 points ago +2 / -0

"being against vaccines is not enough. You must get to the core of their deception"

Come at me, shills!

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can’t 100% disprove anything.

yes you can

You can 100% prove something.

not really, no

Prove to me Bigfoot isn’t real. Prove to me a turtle is real. Which is easier

You're talking about philosophy.

I'm talking about scientific methodology:

1 + 1 = 3

Easier to prove or disprove?

xolotltlaloc 5 points ago +7 / -2

except i don't believe they used a missile - but yes, i believe 2 nuclear demolition devices were used on WTC1&2 ... not sure what "exactly" brought down WTC7 - but pretty clearly just a standard controlled demolition. WTC6 .... that shit is odd! no clue ...

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is never 100% proof.

There is only 100% disproof.

And presumption (aka "placing bets" -- "...odds are some of the ravers will killed - I would bet."

It certainly wouldn't be the first time a country has killed its own to start a war.

"Lies start wars. Truth ends wars." - Julian Assange #PolticalPrisoner

xolotltlaloc 6 points ago +8 / -2

Notice how the building itself isn't destroyed.... it just sinks into the ground.

(that's because the earth has been turned to plasma - basically super-hot gas, which just melts the building from the bottom)

"7-hour stand-down" #BibiKnew #insidejob ...israel's 9/11 indeed

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0

In that case, you'd have to post a very long list here.

take all the time you need to lock up all the criminals - let's just get it done

why mention Jews and not Israel?

I prefer the term "zionists" - which does not mean "all jews" - and also does not mean "all israelis" - and also includes the bush family, dick cheney, condi rice, hillary clinton, etc. - none of whom are jews or israeli, but are complicit in their support of terrorism, warcrimes and other crimes against humanity ...along the ultimate quest to establish the greater israel - as "foretold" by a book that insists a guy magically turned water into wine.

xolotltlaloc 7 points ago +7 / -0

"7-hour stand-down" ...comes to mind.

#BibiKnew #insidejob #israels911, indeed!

Bibi and Ehud are fucking psychos - on a mission to establish the greater Israel. and driven by a passage from a book that insists a guy magically turned water into wine. 🍻

we're so fucked

xolotltlaloc 5 points ago +5 / -0

it's a matter of law and order.

if laws and civil standards are not applied uniformly, there is only lawlessness.

has nothing to do with "crying" lol

by DrLeaks
xolotltlaloc 3 points ago +3 / -0

MKUltra victim, I'll propose

xolotltlaloc 9 points ago +9 / -0

Now stop this bullshit. It's insanity.

lol, you act like this is the first time a nation’s leaders sacrificed their own citizens to start a war.

xolotltlaloc 6 points ago +6 / -0

#Israelis blame #Netanyahu for #Hamas massacre, say Netanyahu must resign.

An overwhelming majority of 86% of respondents, including 79% of coalition supporters, said the surprise attack from Gaza is a failure of the country's leadership.


xolotltlaloc 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is why the First Amendment is so important.


xolotltlaloc 4 points ago +4 / -0


It wouldn’t be the first time a nation’s leaders sacrificed their own citizens to start a war.

Maybe it really is "Israel’s 9/11" #insidejob

edit/ps: Just confirming / providing more details about a story already reported by the Wall Street Journal, and others: #bibiknew #insidejob


xolotltlaloc 4 points ago +4 / -0


Netanyahu just posted this as "proof" that Israeli babies were "burned y Hamas monsters". Again, note timestamp for insight. Assuming Netanyahu isn't lying lol... which is a nearly impossible, but for argument sake...

... yes, terrible - but still doesn't justify the ethnic cleansing / slaughter of 2 million Palestinians. And still doesn't address the fact that Egypt (according to the Wall Street Journal) alerted Netanyahu of the planned attack 3 days before.

If anyone has blood on his hands, it the fault of @Netanyahu (@IsraeliPM) for "failing" (at best - AT BEST!!!!!) to prevent an easily preventable attack on Israel - after all, that was his job, obviously: to prevent attacks on the homeland.

According to #ChatGPT, there are several options:

Under Israeli law, citizens do not have the direct legal authority to force a standing prime minister to resign. The process for the resignation or removal of a prime minister in Israel typically follows established political and legal procedures. Here are a few ways in which a sitting prime minister may leave office:

Resignation: A prime minister can choose to resign voluntarily. This decision is typically made by the prime minister themselves for various reasons.

Vote of No Confidence: The Knesset (the Israeli parliament) can pass a vote of no confidence in the government, which can lead to the prime minister's resignation or the dissolution of the Knesset and the calling of new elections.

Criminal Charges or Legal Proceedings: If a sitting prime minister is charged with a crime or faces legal proceedings that affect their ability to govern, they may be compelled to resign, but this is typically determined by the legal process rather than direct citizen action.

Elections: The Israeli public can vote for political parties in the Knesset elections. The party or coalition with the majority of seats can form a new government, and the leader of that party or coalition can become the prime minister.

xolotltlaloc 1 point ago +1 / -0


Yes, Climate Change™ does exist.

But just to be clear, there is Climate Change™ -- which is not to be confused with "climate change".

  1. "climate change" has existed since there was a climate. change is the only constant. weather changes. climates change. planets change. etc. Climate change is a force of nature that has always existed - not a new existential threat to humanity.

  2. Climate Change™ on the other hand is brand that the CIA/Pentagon/Liberals has given to "weaponized weather modification technologies" -- and yes, a very new existential threat to humanity.

Needless to say, same terminology, but two totally different meanings.

Whenever you "hear" someone say "climate change", 99.999% chance they are referring to Climate Change™ - i.e., weaponized weather modification - weather (#pun) they know it or not ;)

xolotltlaloc 4 points ago +5 / -1

Apparently all involved are in "closed door" strategy meetings, but ... no one is going to come to their rescue.

The united Nation (WHO, etc.) are toast.

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