A buddy(ish) of mine was talking about how "ingenious" the MI state dems were in funding all of the opposing primary campaigns so in the general the dems would win because their competition was such garbage.
I said "Dude... have you never heard of 'strawmanning' candidates? Because that's as close as it comes IRL next to literally building a strawman and putting an 'R' sticker on them. This is what uniparty authoritarian regimes do to make their regimes seem democratic and legitimate."
And he thought it was "ingenious!*" It's astounding how bafflingly stupid seemingly-intelligent people can be when it comes to politics and governance. Myopic, I suppose.
This could actually roll up to the feds/POTUS for pushing OSHA and the vax mandate, because it seemed imminent before SCOTUS stepped in. I think a company large enough to afford good lawyers could... ah fuck, put the bill on all the taxpayers.
Man I hope the budget to pay that back is drafted as "fixing Biden and the Dem's royal fuckup to the tune of several trillion dollars" bill. Or something more witty - Ted Cruz is pretty good with naming bills.
Bro I heard Hitler drank water too.
His name appears to be a play on Biden’s status as commander-in-chief of the US armed forces.
We'd be better off if the dog were running the show.
I feel like if you still use reddit and you're not permabanned you're not doing it right. All of my new accounts last a day lol.
Streisand effect in full... effect now too. I didn't really care to hear another conspiracy (true or not), and now I'm digging into it.
I noticed r4chan has taken a decidedly-left turn (careening, if you will) as well. Don't even recognize the sub anymore... after just a few days.
But yea whatever, it's reddit. We've seenit and haddit with reddit.
Probably the biggest problem is that Oz didn't motivate any reds to show up because he's so milquetoast that even a literal retard presents viable competition.