unspecified_user 4 points ago +4 / -0

Eye doctor "We can't mess with your eyes on a whim. There's a word for that, it's called 'malpractice.'"

Teen Sexuality Specialist "Cut you balls off? Say no more, fam'! Next Tuesday 11:00 work for you? You're in luck, the person scheduled for that timeslot hung himself last night."

unspecified_user 1 point ago +1 / -0

Straight from the Leftist Event Playbook

"Yeah it sucks that you got robbed and gang-raped by other people at the protest, but if you report it, it could make the organization and cause look bad. It's for the greater good for you keep quiet about it. If that's not reason enough to keep your mouth shut, if you go public we'll make sure the main story is that you are a white supremacist infiltrator making up lies to smear the movement."