syncbad2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Leftism is a helluva drug.. Where login.Is_coping and the sky is falling lul.

syncbad2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

well they just got back right ? also they dont have enough wrinkles and fidget too much to be 50s so ya prolly legiut

syncbad2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

hmm press f to doubt, evidence of not being able to change staunch antivaxers exist. Him supporting it might actually change more lefties minds on supporting drumphf.

Comrade hear me, the world has textures.

syncbad2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

How do you know? Did he tell you? Or are you just making this up to cope?

he beat the virus in what 3 days OMEGALULZ.. stop concern trolling

I have seen many, many Trump supporters literally claiming that the was sent by God.

you miss the flower for the field. Trump is more or less the lightning rod that people use as counter to everything left. He is the brick to your Overton window. When I am with my close friend leftys like you I laugh at the jokes that follow these same assumptions because its funny just how off base you are. Then I go and laugh again behind your backs with muh frens,

You made it here so you must understand some sort of internet culture but you aint a hood rat.

syncbad2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Asking if giving yourself ace2 autoimmunity is worth 99.7 or not?

syncbad2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

You are a lefty obv. You think that politics of party is religion, nay, the word of God. We do not, trump doesn't own Pfizer or moderna. He realizes stupid people want a symbolic and meaningless vaccine. If covid was ahktually bad for most this shit wouldn't cut it. Trump built the operation to allow these actors to work he is not the German couple lul.

We will not fix your cognitive dissonance of your flawed mental map/ construction of the other because clearly you are a lefty who has a direct line to the party scripture. Maybe it's starting to taste bad and now you ask this ❓