supermario2360 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Ben Franklin

supermario2360 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then don't argue with those you think are fools :)

supermario2360 1 point ago +2 / -1

Conspiracies users only want posts that adhere to the narrative. Balloon, died suddenly, Ukraine, holocaust, Epstein, etc. Just like Obama said: we don't have time to debate the shape of the earth. If we aren't able to think and debate freely here, what is the purpose of this community?

supermario2360 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'll give you the last word. You haven't done much along the lines of definitively clearing up the shape of the earth.

supermario2360 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is with your infatuation of death? Everyone will die. I am not forcing you to entertain what I am saying. You keep coming back for the rude remark. I propose a some solution (for the third time): block my profile. Simple. Save your antisocial non-stimulating rhetoric for other patrons of this platform.

supermario2360 2 points ago +2 / -0

There have been geocentric models since bce times. Triangulation determines the location of fixed points on the earth, which is quite accurate. Why would people use sextants if they didn't work?

supermario2360 1 point ago +1 / -0

Again with the attacks. My take is as of a child's. I haven't been diagnosed with any form of retardation. All A's and B's throughout most of my scholarly time. Many hours of research on the topic as well. Yet I am the stupid one. The ability to entertain other ideas without accepting them is a sign of educated mind. Everyone in the modern earth grows up with the indoctrination of space. We all know the regular propaganda. Some question it and close minded people have a tantrum. How can a pressurized atmos that is not sealed air tight reside in a vacuum? Also "space" is not a perfect vacuum according to the "science". So the objects that are claimed to be hurling through space should encounter friction and path derivation caused by the imperfect vacuum. The ocean is traversed daily because its accessibility. Space, on the other hand requires much more planning, sophisticated materials, copious amounts of money (orders of magnitude more), and precise timing. Ocean? Build a vessel that can withstand the pressures and drop it in the pond. Doesn't even need to be manned. Why do we know more about the surface of the moon and mars, while there is so Mich that is yet to be learned from our own earth. NASA is ass backwards and duped many people in my opinion.

supermario2360 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see the vile and toxic verbage you use and It would be better for your health to BLOCK me. I don't owe you anything. Peaceful debate went out the window a long time ago Mr. Heliocentrism.

supermario2360 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why don't you just block me? You are smart, just block me and your blood pressure should come down to reasonable levels :D

supermario2360 1 point ago +2 / -1

cost to send artemis to the moon: ~$100 billion total or $4 billion per launch and it is a single use craft.. cost for trieste deep dive submarine: ~$3 million. so going to space is orders of magnitude more expensive... some estimates say it would cost ~3billion to map the entirety of the ocean floor. so we know more about the surface of the moon and mars, but not our own home... way to go sciences! people saying I am a bot is quite cool, and the personal attacks make it quite evident the level of discourse is not more than highschool level.

supermario2360 3 points ago +3 / -0

I see the majority of globe defenders do not entertain other thoughts and actively attack people deliberating on the topic. as weedle said regarding flat earthers "I automatically know that they'll state, with certainty, ideas they don't understand and can't prove." this can be said for heliocentric believers as well.

supermario2360 1 point ago +2 / -1

of course nasa shot a missle into outer space with the trajectory and timing just right to perform a landing on the moon. what a large amount of variables to get just right. Is that easier more feasible and less resource intensive than diving to the bottom of the ocean, which covers most of the earth and is easily accessible? why not send cameras down there? don't even need humans to man a vessel to do such a task. but we forgot how to go to the moon. hmm. something is fishy about that. It's like the more "advanced" we become, the less we even know.

supermario2360 5 points ago +5 / -0

I see what you are saying. I don't know the shape of the earth. I would argue many globe believers haven't seen it with their own eyes. So they are blindly believing the globe model (heliocentrism). So who is more wrong? Who is more right?

supermario2360 2 points ago +2 / -0

what if you were wrong? would you apologize? I didn't call for you to off yourself. I didn't call for you to have your speech taken from you. Or your life. man up and have a civilized debate. In the US we have rights endowed upon us by the creator and they are unalienable and self evident. You are the one calling for them to be restricted. who is the real commie? I don't want to be mean but you keep coming at me with these bizarre veiled threats and insults.

supermario2360 3 points ago +4 / -1

Why wouldn't NASA be meticulous about their mathematics and models? A gov agency with billion of dollars. Cutting corners to go to space, let alone the moon or mars, seems incompetent to me.

supermario2360 2 points ago +2 / -0

I assume you haven't been to space so how can you be so sure it is a globe? Same logic. Let's trust what the Freemason occult Satanist governmental NASA astronauts say though. Yea right

supermario2360 1 point ago +2 / -1

There it is. He blew a gasket. Let's take this time to thank phizer and j&j Claus Schwab and George soros for this heart warming Hooman moment. Guy said fuck free speech. That's all I needed to hear. Have a Very special day for a Very special boy!

supermario2360 4 points ago +5 / -1

Like what we live on? Humanity hasn't explored a majority of the ocean but we went to the moon :) we know little about where we are and what we are. That is the real conspiracy.

supermario2360 6 points ago +6 / -0

Does the ocean curve? My eyes see sea level. Is NASA a governmental agency sending occult Freemason satanists past the firmament? Why would i trust this super secretive gov agency? Why did NASA forget how to go to the moon? With such advanced tech wouldn't we be able to do it more efficiently and with greater ease? A lot of things don't add up. And on top of it all, heliocentrism and geocentrism have been around for a long time. Science is always changing and is heavily politically motivated. I don't trust the government god that many people blindly follow.

supermario2360 4 points ago +6 / -2

Are people talking about flat earth going to be banned? Like hello? What can we talk about then? China plz send list of accepted words and thoughts so I don't lose my social credit score

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