seventeenseventysix -1 points ago +2 / -3

I assure you I will not apologize for suggesting that someone not pass off baseless conjecture as fact.

But yes, you can enjoy a moment of smug self-satisfaction if this one bombshell from a random twitter account with no apparent connection to the truth turns out to be accurate. For every 50,000 twitter comments like this, you'll maybe get one that turns out true. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

seventeenseventysix 0 points ago +2 / -2

It does not at all editorialize a title to clarify that the claim is being made by someone who has no established connection to the truth.

"Your skepticism is your own responsibility" is a huge part of what's wrong with how people consume information these days, because they are fed garbage with the truth buried in the comments and they don't bother to question it.

The purpose of a conspiracy forum is to find the truth, and you are deliberately obscuring it. You can do better.

seventeenseventysix 5 points ago +6 / -1

Then maybe your submission title could include the fact that this information is from some rando on twitter, rather than presenting it here as truth? That would certainly be more forthcoming.

seventeenseventysix 6 points ago +6 / -0

Shhhh, there's no conflict of interest here. Just be quiet, Nazi.

Anyway, here's the same fact-checker (Politifact) saying that Biden's claims that 150 million people died from gun violence and 120 million died from COVID in the United States are "mostly true"


seventeenseventysix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I've seen a few people (and I think even spez) talking about banning alts simultaneously. I think they probably realized a couple years ago (ohhhh roundabout 2016 or so) that they needed to keep a running database of alts for exactly that reason.

They'll probably be able to pick up on it if you create a new account, too, unless you get a new IP and new browser (or possibly even new device).

seventeenseventysix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah the article says the user has been suspended. Looks like the took the whole domain theamericanreport.org offline.

That's not shady as fuck.

seventeenseventysix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok I've seen some obviously fake shit on 4chan but that one takes the cake.

On my sacred honor, I swear to you that if this pans out to be true, I will post a video of me eating a hard-boiled shoe.

Please archive this comment and hold me to my word, .winnners.

seventeenseventysix 3 points ago +3 / -0

Are the hundreds of videos taken by protestors inside and outside of the building not sufficient? We have multiple angles of basically everything that happened.

What are you expecting would be shown on the Capitol footage that isn't visible on the hundreds of public domain videos and photos, and why would you expect that footage to be released?

seventeenseventysix 1 point ago +1 / -0

I disagree. Subservient is just fine, as long as you keep your mouth shut. If they outright kill everyone they hate, they'll provoke a more significant response and drive away their moderates. As long as you're subservient and keep your mouth shut, it's better optics and keeps everybody nice and docile.

seventeenseventysix 3 points ago +3 / -0

For real though, this may be the only remaining legal option. The democrats are promising to stack the SCOTUS and push statehood for PR and DC. Meanwhile, they continue to drive policies in their stronghold states that are driving their constituents to move to more affordable, Republican-majority states (and, of course, take their political leanings with them). There's a reason Georgia and Texas and some parts of South Carolina, etc., are turning purple or blue. IT is NOT a coincidence, nor a "failure" of Democrat policies. This is 100% by design.

The biggest threat from the political left is that while the Republicans are content to gerrymander ridiculous congressional districts, the Democrats are very actively attempting to rig the system on a MUCH larger scale. Their goal is not to stack the odds in their favor, but to redefine the political balance of power into a single-party system (even more so than it already is with swamp rats and corporate influence abundant). They are tired of competing and want to simply end the tit-for-tat of politics and voting, and install themselves as the only viable option. If they make good on their promises of stacking the SCOTUS and adding 2 or 3 more hard-Democrat states, the remaining options to save the Republic will be few.