I would explain it as a culture which is defined by their worldview; to me the driving force behind it is best understood as a “spirit” or “collective consciousness” or perhaps “disembodied consciousness”

I am not saying the woke/ NPC people are the “spirit” etc but rather that they are like the vessels by which it images itself into the world; I’m trying to get at the root of the ideas themselves.

This explanation seems to fit most things, I think.

I feel like that understanding is also seen in this permalink here, where the “conspiracies” culture or “spirit” has expressed itself against the “Christian” culture or “Spirit”. Meaning the two worldviews expressed their ideas and the people (including me) cooperated with the ideas.

Is this appropriate post for this sub?

I think it’s good to share information and engage in conversations about Christ. I noticed this community has a lot of “religious” posts but I’m often seeing common misconceptions and a lot of negativity or hopelessness.

Are religious posts encouraged on this forum? I have been working on a series of posts over on the christianity . win and I’m wondering if there would be more conversation by posting here